Detention and a picture

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Author note: can you please start commenting I know where I'm going with this story but I want some help to make it better. Enjoy the chapter  

Me and the twins are cleaning the trophies in the trophy room there is a lot of them filch left us to check on another detention. "this is the stupidest punishment ever" I say

"yes and we have a week of them" Fred say throwing his head back and angrierly putting the cloth in the water. making it get him wet.

"I can't believe we got a weeks work of detention for a harmless prank" George says

"yes so harmless" I say rolling my eyes how could what we have done be harmless

"I'm sticking with harmless" george says with a cocky smile hy do i like that smile frog lords why?

"well I don't think we would have gotten a week if we didn't make filch's hair have flowers grow out of it" I say

"it was your idea" Fred says

"you went along with it anyway it was your idea to let out the creatures in the dada classroom" I say

"yes but it was George's idea to turn them brown to match the walls" Fred says pointing to his twin

"hey when did I get into this"

"sorry trying to get the blame off me" Fred says we laugh

"you know this was equally all our fault" I say throwing up my hands getting us all wet they nodwhile we hold in our laughter because at that moment filch came back in.

"I thought I said no talking" he say we all stayed quiet polishing the trophy we where working on. "respond when I talk to you"

"you told us no talking" I say i know it was a stupid move but it is fun to logic people

"do you want another day detention ms. Potter" I stay quiet "you three come to my office to discuss the rest of your punishment." he says and we fallowed him into his office "tomorrow you will be working with Hagrid on a project so meet at his hut a half hour after dinner. Every other day meet up in here and wait for me to arrive go to your common room now" he say strictly and we left

"wonder what hagrid will have us do" I say hopefully it is something fun

"no idea" we got up to the common room lee and Angelina where on the couch taking the 5 of us have gotten close in the past couple days. We told them about our day because the last time they saw the three of us we where debating how we should prank Fitzpatrick. They laughed there heads off as we told them about it. We headed off to bed and by morning everyone new about our prank they where rather impressed.

It was friday it was kinda ironic that we have tea with Hagrid then detention. We where going to have our second potions class today yeah. I got ready and headed down stairs to meet the twins. "morning" I say as I plop into a chair by them

. "morning lily" they say

"we have potions again" I say

"lily you love potions you know it just ignore snape." Fred says

"easer said then done" I said they roll their eyes but then we all laugh. knowing what i said was the truth.

2 hours later 

I was right we where finishing our potions in class a kid named andrew potion failed miserably getting all over him he is sent to the hospital wing I was sitting behind him and snape yells at me for it.

"what's your problem I did nothing wrong I was focusing on my potion or would you rather mine explode so you have something else to yell at me about" I scream.

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