Some fights

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Athor note: here it is the next chapter remember lily and George are facing quirrel/voldemort. I'll write as long as I can but I have a lot of homework and things oh joy.

The next thing I know is I hit the ground hard. I hear a bang some stones fall around me and George. "stupid child stay still" Quirrell screams. More curses came in me and george's direction. We where spinning around on the ground avoiding them. I wasn't thinking straight I was terrified not just for me but for George we could both die tonight. What would happen with the weasleys. I couldn't let that happen. But what can I do. I just kept pushing George and my self out of the way. As suddenly as it began it stopped. "now m-ms. P-potter th-ere is a tr-oll l-lose wh-y a-re.. You. On th-the floor" professor Quirrell says stuttering really I just ran form his spells and he asked that. Then I realize why "I was about the ask the same question" it was Snape at least it was someone. "it was Quirrell" George says getting to his feet. "mr. Weasley what are you going on about" Snape asks slightly annoyed. "professor listen we came across an evil plot we don't know what it is but Quirrell wasn't stuttering and there was an evil voice coming from behind him that I recognized as Voldemort" I say George shutters a bit when I say the name. "ms. P-pot-t-er al-ways so cre-ative" Quirrell stutters "it's true" me and George say "ms. Potter mr. Weasley this is not the time for this there is a troll lose keep your little fantasies to your selfs just because you never like the dada teachers doesn't mean you should make up crazy stories off to your common rooms both of you and you both have detention with me tomorrow night" Snape says and we both go off. I was really upset stupid teachers not believing the truth. I may act crazy and random but I don't lie. like this anyway. "we'll just have to go to see Dumbledore tomorrow" george says I sigh and lean on him. Kissing him on the lips. "what was that" "we almost died" George holds me tighter and looks down at me "you know I think this is the first time Snape has given you a detention with him" trying to lughten the mood I was grateful "yep but he will probably send me to filch after 5 minute" I say he laughs. We entered the common room luckily since we walked fast enough we made it in right as the last people where. We didn't want to get another detention from a prefect more specifically percy. We went over to Fred and Angelina. Angelina was practically drooling over him. "where have you two been" Fred asks "what we couldn't have just been the last people to leave the great hall" Fred shook his head. "we fallowed Quirrell" I whisper "what happened" Fred asks "he tried to kill us then Snape came he didn't believe us and we now have detention" I explain. Angelina starts to laugh. "what so funny" George asks "you two had me going for a second there Where you two just trying to find the troll" she says "no this is serous" George says annoyed. "you don't believe them do you freddy they are probably just trying to pull a fast one" she says blinking her eyes a bunch of times. "I believe them" Fred says I smile warmly at him. "you know this is lily we are talking about" Angelina says. "what are you guys talking about" tom lee and rose say sitting on the ground in front of us. Angelina is lucky I was about to yell at her. "lily and George say quirrell tried to kill them" "he did" me and George exclaim. "lily you just have a thing against dada teachers" rose says "I don't" if we ever got one that taught properly I would love it. We have had a death eater a guy that had no clue what he was doing end then quit, the last one before quirrell hated me. Then quirrell is a death eater most likely has Voldemort under a concealment charm and is out to kill me. Dada isn't even my favorite class my favorites are potions and charms. "you guys have to believe us" ten minutes latter the whole gang was in a heated debate. Me Fred George lee and Tom on one side Sarah, Jordan, rose Angelina and Ned on the other. Lucius was undecided I'm a little annoyed Ned sided with the girls but his girl friend currently Jordan threatened to break up with him if he didn't. Lucius wasnt dating anyone currently there was a little tiff when Ned and Jordan started to date but they are over it. Lucius just isn't good at make decision. So it went back and forth. After an hour and 45 minutes of this I finally realized this is stupid and scream. "believe the lamas or unicorns will hate you. It doesn't mater what others think just what the frog lords tell us" I say well I think it was something like that I couldn't really hear my self. I hope it made some sense but this did not stop the debate I went over to Lucius and sat down. "you are so weird" he says "weirdom is in the eye of the beholder" I say "ok well lily I'm sorry I'm not sure I believe you but I find this fight stupid" he says "it is it won't make a difference once quirrell is fired anyway" I say "wow you used logic" "I'm logical when the lamas requested it" "and there it goes" "it makes sense" I say offended "sure it does that is why not everyone believes you you make everything into nonsense" he says "I don't make everything into nonsense if you haven't noticed my marks are better than yours" I say teasingly "that's besides the point you are always joking" he says "what that is me" I say a little offended. "whatever I'm heading up to bed" he says "night lucius" I say "night" he walks up stairs. I notice the common room is empty besides my friends yelling at each other. I wonder why a prefect hasn't broken them up. It was rather funny looking though seeing as they are all in custom. "night guys" I call but no one noticed I headed up stairs. Of course guess who is the only girl up in the room. "potter there was a fight with your gang oh no" she says sarcastic at the last part. "yeah why are you even talking to me spinnet" I say annoyed. "just a warning I will get George back from you" "oh thanks you lemon" I say getting into my bed. "what does even see in you, you don't make any sense and are pranking half the time" "just because I add random things or say stupid things doesn't mean I don't make sense. If lemons actually listened it would make sense" "see you are doing it right now" she says "I don't care night" I go into my bed why does it matter I say lemons to people I don't like I'll just replace random words. It isn't like it makes no sense. Ugh I shouldn't let it get to me. She is just a girl trying to steal George from me. I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I know not as long as some other chapters but I have to go walk my dog I am going to create a schedule for me updating that I will try to keep to this will be posted begining of next chapter. Comment vote I don't know if you people like it or not

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