First days

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authors note: this is a really just continuing the last chapter I has to go eat but once I was done I wrote this so enjoy 

During break me and the twins snuck down to the forbidden forest. The three of us really wanted to explore maybe get some ideas for a prank. As we where about to get there Hagrid was out side he came up to us. Why are we going to get into trouble well that isn't anything new for me or the twins. "hello lily" Hagrid said

"hello Hagrid right" I say the twins are trying to hide there laughs

"you have gotten so big I haven't seen you since you where just a little girl" he says while pulling me into a hug I mouth 'help me' the twins shoke their heads "you look so much like your mother" he says

"well thank you but that is just my natural form I a metomrophagus" I say i like looking like my mom but i have more of my dads personallity i very fun compination.

"talented witch what else would I expect from the daughter of lily and James"

"you knew my parent" then I remember Remus mentioning him a couple times.

"yes they came down to see me a lot so who are your friends" he asks

"Fred and George Weasley" they stopped their fit of silent laughter.

"well you should come down for tea on Friday afternoon what are you three doing down here anyway" he asks shot he please dont expect us going into the forest.

"just wanted to explore the grounds see you Friday Hagrid" he waves good bye as we head back towards the castle knowing that it was pointless to go into the forest once we where a good distance away the twins go into another fit of laughter. "it wasn't that funny" I say giving a little laugh my self little did Hagrid know that he was going to be chasing us away from the forest any day now.

"it was you didn't see the look on your face" Fred started "and how Hagrid didn't realize how close we where to the forest" George finished

"yes but now we might not get into a whole lot of trouble for going into the forest" I say

 "what's the fun in that" Fred asks george seemed tl agree with the statement.

"don't worry we have a million other ways to get caught" I say causing us to go into laughter again. We walked to our transfiguration class with ravenclaw I didn't know any of them form that dream thing me and the twins still needed to discuss that. we got there 2 minutes early the majority of seats where already full me and George sat together I was very happy about that and Fred sat at the table next to us with Angelina.

While me and George where getting our stuff out we heard Fred start to talk to Angelina. "hey Angelina"

"hey wait which twin our you" she asks me and george burst into laughter

"Fred don't worry a lot of people mix us up" it toke George and me a minute to calm down from our laughter. We both knew that Fred had a crush on Angelina so that was just prefect.

What made me stop laughing was George saying "lily calm down your hair is changing colors" I made it back to the normal red I'm great at controlling my hair when im nevus or angry well when I'm really mad my eyes turn red but some times slip up when I am laughing to hard.

"thanks for telling me" I said he blushed a cat was sitting on the desk we wondered where mcgonigal was when the last of the students came in the cat jumped off the desk and turned into mcgonigal. Everyone except me thought it was so cool I still remember when I was really little my dad Sirius or petter changing in and out from their animal form it was so cool.

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