The next year

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Author note: sadly im sick And can't fall asleep. So I decidided to update this probably be really long.

Lily pov 

I woke up the next morning hoping that madam pomfrey wouldn't send me back to the hospital wing. Im perfectly fine today but she would never believe me I get up and get ready Angelina is waking up as I leave I didn't feel like waiting for her. I head down stairs Fred and George are on the couch. "morning" I say taking a seat next to George.

"morning lils" they say.

"so what did I miss in classes yesterday" I ask not wanting to be completely lost. They look at each other and there is a long silence "what you two fall asleep in class again" I ask

"let's go with that" Fred says what did these two do all day they where probably off in there own little worlds.

"do you think pomfrey will make you go back" george asks

"your guess is as good as mine she was so mad yesterday" I say well you have to take Into account that I wasn't the nicest patient I'm happy she didn't use a spell to bind me to the bed.

"I hope she doesn't make you yesterday was so boring." Fred says

"what classes do we have today" i ask

"dada and charms" George says

"oh joy" I say sarcastically

"you know the only day you seem to like is Wednesday" Fred pointed out

"why do you say that"

"only day we don't have ether potions or dada" George says

"in my defense I think both those teachers are out to get me other wise I love the courses" I say i wonder if by the end of the year ether of them will try to kill me sadly i can picture that. 

"Snape is just mad that your not his kid" Fred said I pictured snape being my father gross gross gross. is greasy hair a dominate trait no!!

"thanks for the disturbing mental image" i shutter i never ever want to picture that again!

"no problem" I roll my eyes

"you two want to head down to breakfast"

"sure" we walk down the stairs breakfast happened to fast full of laughs. I think it was because we have dada right after.

"you know maybe I should have stayed in the hospital wing" I say as we walk to class i find fitzpatrick really creepy and dont want to be around him.

"you would have gone crazy by now" George says i think i am already

"who says she wasn't already" Fred says I decided to ignore him. its one thing for me to think it but him to say it is best to ignore

"well I really don't want to see Fitzpatrick there is something up with him." I say it was almost as scary as snape wanting to be my dad wiat nothing can even come close to that.

"don't worry lily he probably just a little crazy and thinks your going to do something" Fred says

"we did set animals off in his room" George says that was a little more comforting but he was weird before that unless he is a seer that doesnt explain things

"still doesn't explain why my scar burned"

"like we said before you probaly had something on your hand and put it there remember we where experimenting" Fred say I wasn't going to push any more Because we where there. I know that there is something wrong with him. We toke our normal seats I was very happy Fitzpatrick wasn't there yet. I toke out my books then he came in. The look on his face when he saw me was priceless he really didn't expect me back already.

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