Chapter 28

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 Rebecca's Pov

 Everything seem to freeze at the moment. Their were no birds chirping, no wind blowing against the trees, no noises; I stared at my twin my body held so much emotion inside, my mind was running a mile a minute. She had a couple of marks on her skin, bruises here and there but she was alive, I remember her falling limply in my arms just a few moments ago; tears started to appear from the memory and I turned my back on her covering my mouth and sobbed into it. I sat on the floor hugging my knees to my chest, it was guilt that was eating me alive and refusing to allow me to look into my sister's brown eyes the same ones that resemble mine. I sniffed picking up my head to see her sitting on her knees in front of me, she held a small smile on her face, she reached towards me and I slowly reached for her; once the skin of my hand came in contact with hers I broke down. I started breathing heavy and she pulled me into a hug where I cried hard into her shoulders my shaking shoulders shook her body and I hugged her back.

" I'm so sorry Violet! I'm so freaking sorry!", I cried out and she rubbed my back in calming circles. She lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me, wiping away my tears.

" It's ok, Rebecca, I'm ok and I'm sorry.", she said as tears went down her face. I raised an eyebrow.

" Why are you sorry for? I'm the one who killed you?", I questioned and she shook her head at me.

" I should of been the one that stayed not you, I should of been there fighting with you. I'm the oldest I have to protect to you.", she exclaimed and I sniffed looking at her.

" You don't have to protect me, I'm the one who didn't want you to get hurt it was my decision to do that.", I said and I wiped a single tear that she was trying to fight off. I stood up and held my hand out for her to grab and pulled her up.

" Let's go home.", she said and I shook my head dropping her hand.

" I can't go home, everyone hates me.", I stated and Violet looked at me with sadness in her eyes. I stepped back from her but she grabbed me before I could go anywhere, I tried to pull away but she tighten her grip.

" I know they don't hate you just like I don't.", she stated and I looked at her in the eyes and I trusted my sister so I nodded.

" Wait before we go, let me check on something.", I said and right when I turned around I bumped into Isaac who grabbed my shoulders. I looked into his eyes to see them flash gold  and then I felt mine do the same. I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say so I started to ramble a apology in one sentence.

" Isaac I'm sorry I had to kill him an-". I was cut off by his lips on my own kissing me softly, I fisted his shirt as we pulled apart from him and he laid his forehead on mine breathing slightly hard.

" It's Ok, I'm happy your ok.", he said and I smiled. I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat and I turned remembering my sister was there. I was ready to open my mouth when she held her hand up and stopped me from doing so.

" We have a lot to talk about at home.", she said with a smirk and I smiled nodding.

A lot to talk to about.


I stared up at the house nervously, Isaac stayed at the house waiting for his brother and I watched Vi go in first hearing everyone acknowledge her presence but not knowing I was just outside, I slowly walked up the stairs into the house closing the door silently behind me and I walked up to the entrance of the living room seeing everyone was there. Eleanor, Perrie, all my uncles and my parents; I hid behind the wall feeling guilty seeing all of their clothes messed up and their bodies marked by the hybrids and myself.

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