Chapter 14

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"You seriously brought me to a castle?" I asked as I eyed the biggest house I have ever seen in my life. It wasn't exactly a castle, but it was probably the closest that I would ever come to one in my life.

"Well, it's not exactly a castle, but it will be a roof over your head," Blake said as he took off his helmet and helped me off the bike.

"Who on earth does this place belong to? Wait... Before you answer that. Are you secretly some millionaire and never told me about it?" I smiled. I knew it was crazy, but hey, I have heard of weirder things happening.

"Sorry to disappoint you..." Blake said as he helped me out of my helmet as well. "But I am sorry for this."

"Sorry for what?" I wished I still had the helmet on so that he would not see my frown, but at this stage I just wanted an answer. And then I got it.

"My boys!"

It wasn't a yell. It was a screech like a fangirl in heat at a Bieber concert. And it was coming closer and closer with breasts hopping up and down, ready to smash it in the face. Golden locks parading in the non-existing wind. I could feel my IQ dropping just feeling her energy getting closer and closer to me.

"My boys! Welcome! Me casa is your casa. Si?" Lucy said and did a weird model-like pose that made her look like she had a spasm in her neck. I had to keep myself from laughing, because obviously she was thinking that it made her look sexy as hell, and not like an awkward camel trying to balance its humps on its chest while trying to walk on only two legs.

I gave a very accusatory look toward Blake who just shrugged and hugged Lucy.

"Thanks Lucy! You have no idea how much help this will be. Are you sure that your parents won't mind Elijah staying here?" Blake said.

"No ways! My dad is out of town like usual and barely anyone ever goes into the West Wing. My mother sends the maid in there to clean sometimes, but I can probably occupy her and tell her to help me redo my room. To be honest I am so tired of the shade of pink it's been the last four months. I am thinking of going two shades darker in any case," Lucy said, now shifting from one pose to another.

I had no idea that Lucy was rich. I mean, she didn't have much between the ears, but now I knew why at least. She didn't need to have anything between her ears when she had more money than what she knew what she could do with.

"So I'm just going to set Elijah up in one of the rooms and as long as he stays in his room nobody should see him. Ever. And when I want him to do a manicure with me and my mom asks I will just tell her he is my little gay pet that came over for some fun. She won't think anything about it."

Could Lucy be any more annoying? I was almost ready to tell Blake that this would be a good time to leave before Lucy buys me a color and starts rubbing my tummy in exchange for treats. But Blake was already following her up the long driveway towards the enormous house. Obviously he didn't think anything about her calling me her little gay pet. I mean, seriously! Why was I not even consulted on these arrangements? At this point I'm starting to think that things at home might not be so bad at all.

"Are you coming Elijah?!" I heard Blake call back toward me, and with a sigh I started to follow him toward the house of plastic doom. There was no way of fighting this in any case it seemed.

I kept a few steps behind Blake and Lucy who were chatting away as if they have been best friends for years upon years. That actually made me think... How on earth did they become friends? Was she not the one that gave Blake my address in the first place as well? They seemed to be thick as thieves in any case, and I really needed to find out what that was all about, but right now all I had to concentrate on was to find out how the heck do I get out of a situation that I really do not want to be in.

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