A Note by the Author

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Hi guys!

Firstly, thank you so much for staying with Elijah and Blake up to the very end. You have made this journey an incredible one for me. Seeing the views, comments and votes really means the world to me, and seeing people adding "Listen Before You Speak" to their reading lists means more than what I can explain in words right here. 

This has been my first fully written book not only in this genre, but also in the English language. (I am native Afrikaans speaking.) So this has also been an incredible feat for me to accomplish. Seeing the comments however has given me enough courage to start another, and hopefully it will be followed by even more stories in the future. 

Currently I have just finished writing a story called "Behind Drawn Curtains". And although the story of Elijah and Blake is very close to my heart I do have a very special place for this new story, partly because it is based on a true story. Not just that, but "Behind Drawn Curtains" is also part of the "Rising Angels" campaign, which tries to fight child molestation, rape, and abuse, something I am also very passionate about. Sometimes the only help you can give someone in a situation like that is a shoulder to cry on, an escape for an hour or two, or at the very least a little hope that things does get better. This is one of the things that I am trying to achieve with the new book.

So please, if you have enjoyed Elijah and Blake, go and vote on "Behind Drawn Curtains", add it to your reading lists and help me spread the word and help me make a dream come true - which is to help children in truly terrible situations. It would mean the world to me, and you would be my hero for doing so! Heck, who knows where it might lead, but if we manage, together, to touch the heart and give hope to one boy or girl somewhere in a bedroom hiding behind drawn curtains we would have already succeeded. 

Now head over to the next chapter and find out what happened with Blake and Elijah. The final end in a bonus chapter I have written. I do not think there will ever be another chapter of Elijah, although I still hold him very close to my heart. I know how his story ends and I am happy with the ending that lives on in my heart. This chapter is just to clear things up when people think that Elijah had died. Which in a way is probably true. He did die. Just not in the way everybody thinks. I can however say that there will not be a sequel. 

So once again thank you so very much! I could not have gotten here without each and every one of you, and above that, I will not be able to get any further than this without any of you either. You guys and girls are my heroes!


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