Gangleaders Lover Boy: One

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Being in the closet isn't the best feeling, especially when your family members are homophobic shîtheads.

Jackson is stuck with this predicament, if he was to ever come out as gay, he'd be better off dead.

Kaden is a gangleader; normally Gangleaders sleep with chicks and they're straight, but not for Kaden. He likes the D not the V.

What happens when these two meet?



I opened my locker and stuffed everything in and went to Gym. I love having Gym first period.





Closing my locker I'm met with Kaden -the hottest guy in school - and his girlfriend Kelly -who is fûcking hot, that's coming from a gay boy-  I put my head down and walked past as quietly as I could.

"Hey, boy in the grey, you dropped this." Kaden said holding my pencil case.

"Uh T-thanks." I grabbed the case and dashed to the gym.

You're so stupid. T-thanks. Really?

I got changed and put my school clothes in my bag and put it in my gym locker. Walking out the room towards the gym I went to my corner, literally my corner I've  stood here everyday for the past two years, so they painted my name on the wall.

"Jackson! Leave your corner and get in line, for the love of all things living, sheesh!" Mr. Adams yelled. My face flushed and I walked to the line and stood beside a really pretty girl.

"You'll be playing dodge ball today. Kaden and Gorge are the team captains, choose your team.


The past two years dipshït.

My conscience is an àsshole, my lord.

"Jackson." I looked up at who called my name. Kaden. I walked to him and stood far away, not wanting to get in his personal space.

"Kaden to the left, Gorge to the right."

My team walked over to the left side of the court, I stood in the back.

"Jackson come up here." I walked up and stood silently, staring at his biceps.


"Jackson stand in front, they'll try and hit you with the ball, just side step and if you get hit that's okay, got it?" I nodded as my heart beat quickened. "Everyone else stay close to him but not close enough to here you could get hit, try and grab the balls that are thrown at him, okay?" Everyone nodded, he smiled and clapped his hands.

I'd like to grab your balls.

I smirked to myself and stood up front, my smirk dropping when Ezra Fitz -the football captain and the person who hates me the most in this whole entire school- stood in front, his own smirk forming.

My legs shook when the whistle blared and multiple dodgeballs came flying at me, none hit, but I can't say the same for some others who tried to catch the ball failing miserably —not that I could do any better.


Gym ended and my face will be bruised by tomorrow, getting hit three time by a dodge ball isn't my favorite thing in the world. I changed back into my school clothes -at the time I didn't notice I forgot my spare home key- and left the gym. I walked to the Library for my next two free periods, then my last elective, followed by my main classes. I walked into the Library and found a book, checking it out I left the school and heading home, setting an alarm fifteen minutes before my last elective.

Twenty minutes into my first free period the door closed.

"Mom? What are you doing home?" I stood up and placed my book down careful not to lose my page. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen grabbing a clever. "Is anyone here?"


"Fûck that!" I ran to grab my bag, but -of course- a hand grabbed me.

"Jackson! Are you skipping school, I swear if you are I'm making you watch TV with your sister and I!" My mother complained "And put that darn clever down and no swearing in this house hold, for the love of Christ!" She yelled

"Mom I wasn't skipping, I have two free periods, which I check out a book weekly and come home for those free periods and read then go back to school." I explained, her face softened.

"I'm sorry baby, I just, I just don't want you to end up like your father that's all." Sadness covered her face, hugging her my alarm went off. "I gotta go Ma, see you for dinner." I kissed her check and ran to grab everything leaving the book at home.

Gangleaders Lover Boy (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now