Chapter 14

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"I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom." I said right before we were about to leave. I walked into the men's bathroom and I heard someone walk in behind me. I turned around and it was Bobby. "Shit, you scared me man." I said with a laugh.

"Did I?" He asked as he stepped closer. He stared into my eyes.

"Bobby?" I questioned. He flashed an evil smile and held his hands over my head. His eyes shifted from blue to yellow and his pupils expanded. The room got fuzzy and I passed out.

Regular P.O.V.

"Where is he? It doesn't take ten minutes to use the bathroom." Bobby asked impatiently.

"Alix go check on him." Rogue suggested. I took her advice and walked to the restroom. When I got to the door Scott opened it blinking his eyes repeatedly. He looked up. ""

"Finally, what took you so long?" I asked him.

"I was uh... washing my hands." He smiled differently than usual, like he was trying too hard. "Where are the others?" He asked looking around.

"By the entrance, we were waiting for you." I said trying not to sound suspicious. He walked towards them and I followed.

"Finally, now we can leave." Bobby said relieved.

"Yes, now we can leave." Scott expressed the same uncomfortable smile again. We left the movie theater.

When we got back to the mansion I paid close attention to Scott's unusual behavior. He was looking around the entire interior with his hands in the pockets of his navy blue hoodie. "So, where is Storm?" He asked.

"Not sure, probably asleep." I answered walking up the stairs. He noticed and followed along.

"Isn't it a bit early?" He asked right behind me.

"I mean I guess. Go see if she's up if you want."

"Nah, it's fine i'd rather hang with you." I turned around after he spoke and he did the creepy smile again.

"Right." I said turning back around walking into the shared bedroom.

"So," he quickly followed beside me. "That kid back in the theater, what's his name, Ashton?"


"He seemed pretty afraid of you." He said.

"Well you know the reason why." I responded. I felt that tiny subtle vibration bouncing around my head like the first time the professor and I had a conversation about my dreams. I nervously thought that Scott might be reading them somehow, then i thought it would be best to keep my mind blank and think of nothing, then I thought that he probably just read that thought if anything. Maybe i was just paranoid, it was probably the movie we were watching.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." He laughed. His behavior was becoming noticeably different by this point. He examined the room ambiently and all that was inside. He noticed a small duffle bag next to the bed. "This is...mine." He said coming out almost as a question. He grabbed a handful of clothes. "I'm gonna go take a shower." He said as he started towards the door.

"Didn't you take one before we left?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, but... I still feel dirty. You know, public bathrooms are pretty unsanitary." He laughed and hurried down the stairs. I waited a moment then walked down to find Bobby, Rogue, and David in the kitchen.

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