Chapter 23

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One day before valentines day tomorrow and I dont have valentine day because I dont want to. I want to but I cant choose which one of Finn or Puck so I'd rather to be alone.

"Hey, princess Collins." Someone play a puppet with a puppy doll behind my locker door when I wanna take my book.

"Hey, what are you doing, puppy?" I chuckle.

"I'm sending here by Puckerman to send you valentines gift."

I just chuckle and shut my locker. "And what's that?" I raise my eyebrows.

"This puppy is your gift now because I know you like puppy." Puck chuckle as he is still doing the puppet.

"Aww sweet." I chuckle and hold the puppy doll he gave me.

"Do you like it?" Puck asks me.

"This is cute." I smile at him.

"Like you." Puck smirks at me.

"Thank you so much, Puck." I giggle.

"One more thing." Puck shows me a bouquet of white roses from his back.

"Puck, this is sweet." I smile at him.

"One more thing again." Puck says to me. "Show me your hand."

I show my hand to Puck then he place something on my palm of hand. I look at it and it's a candy love and it wrotes 'kiss me'.
I smile at him and put my hand around his shoulder while hold all his gift and he wrap my waist then I kiss him and he kisses me back.

"Happy valentine day, my princess." Puck smiles at me.

"This is sweet." I smile happily at him.

"I know I am. See you in glee club!" Puck says to me then walk off.

I just smiling through this cute doll and the flowers he gave me. Such a sweet one. I cant believe that I'm single but I got many valentine gift.

Finn's POV

I'm walking down in the hallways alone until I see Puck gave something to Madison.

Wait, it's not something but it's two things. A puppy doll also a bouquet of flowers? Damn it!

Oh no it's not two things. Puck put something into Madison's hand. Like a candy. And now it's three things.

They both just chuckle until Madison kisses him in front of her locker. God, I won yesterday but I lose today. And now I'm still stuck here like an idiot.

"Jealous much, Finn?" Quinn walks passes me and laughs.

Ugh no way. I wont let Puck win this time. I have to prepare something bigger than what he gave and something that Madison want and I bet he didnt know it.

Dont play along with Finn Hudson.

Madison's POV

"Seems like you got many valentines gift and you're single." Quinn chuckles.

"They're sweet. I cant even think which one is the sweeter. I spent the rest of the day with Finn yesterday in my home and it was cute and sweet. And now, Puck gave me these and it's sweet. I'm gonna die." I chuckle.

"Haha they both really competing to get your heart." Quinn chuckles.

"And I dont know what to do. If I could divided my body into two parts, maybe it would be fair." I sigh.

"Haha stop it. Decided it later, the real superman will show off himself. Now lets have lunch." Quinn takes my hand.

"What do you give to Rachel?" I ask Quinn.

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