Chapter 55

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I'm sitting down on the top of piano and facing the others and ready to have glee club today.

"All right, people, we are back! First of all, big props to Sam and Blaine for all their hard work to make this happen. But there's no time to celebrate. We just lost three weeks of prep time for Regionals, and we still have to raise $400 to pay for the bus to get to the competition in Indianapolis. It's the Paris of Indiana. I propose a bake sale.
I mean it worked last time." Finn says to the others.

"Well, that's because Puck spiked the cupcakes with Mary Jane." Tina rolls her eyes.

"I though it was really receipt from her Nana." I frown.

"I'd be willing to cut off my hair to sell it for extra cash." Joe says.

"To who? Jamaican kids with Rastafarian cancer? Or as rigging on a haunted pirate ship?" Kitty asks Joe.

"I could sell more of my semen." Jake says.

"This is silly. I know exactly how we're gonna get the money. 'The Men of McKinley' calendar. Let's face it this is the cutest crop of Glee boys we've ever had.
That's great. And it's January, so it's the perfect time to sell them. There are six guys, so each one can take two months.
I think Blaine should definitely be December. You can do a Santa thing but sexy." Tina grins at us.

"Sexy Claus." Blaine said proudly.

"I'm in as long as I can take my shirt off." Sam says.

"Wait, why does it have to be just the men? Why can't we objectify the girls, too?" Artie asks.

"Because girls are the ones that buy stuff. We're responsible for the consumer- driven economy. Those Twilight books are poop on paper, and we've turned them into a billion-dollar industry." Tina says to us.

"Team Jacob." I shout.

"This could actually work. Tina you're in charge. You can set up the photo shoots.
Everybody else, pick your months and work on your concepts. Good job, Tina!" Finn says to them. 

The bell rings.

"Well, good luck you guys!" I grin at them.

The others left the choir room. I stand up from the piano and arrange the music sheets.

"Babe?" Finn called me from the office and show me my phone.

I walk to the office and take my phone. Got a call from Kurt?

"Yes, Kurt?" I answer.

"What will you do if someone make a wrong statement and you want to remind her but that person is a bitch?" Kurt asks from the phone.

"Kill her." I simply said.

"You want me to kill Rachel? Then who will pay the half of my apartment?" Kurt asks.

"You were talking about Rachel?" I ask.

"Yes, she got a cast to play in college theater and there is a scene where she has to be naked. I already told her to not to do that but her new boyfriend is so bitch and she doesnt want to listen to me and I really need another bitch help since the one who can against the bitch is another bitch." Kurt says.

"Her new boyfriend? What about Quinn?" I ask.

"They broke up since Rachel accidentally cut the ticket that Quinn gave her. And she has a new boyfriend and he lives with us and I dont like him."

"I dont know what should I do."

"I need your help to talk to Rachel about this. I called Santana and she agree that she want to come to New York and have a talk with Rachel. I called Quinn but she is still mad about that. So the only one bitch left is only you. Please Madison, I really need your help. Those naked scene will give bad effects to her." Kurt says from the phone.

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