Chapter 24

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I'm sitting down on the chair in choir room waiting for Mr. Schue come in. The others are busy with playing some music instrumental or talking at each other but not for me.

Last night, I cant sleep then I heard my parents were talking about movin back to Manchester. And I dont know what to say if I have to move to Manchester before my senior year or even graduation.

I look around this choir room. Many memories happened in this choir room like last valentines, when we won sectionals and many things that I cant forget also love.

"Guys we have a bad news." Mr. Schue walks in.

"What is that?" Mercedes asks.

"It's forbid to sing My Chemical Romance's song." Mr. Schue sighs.

"What? Mr. Schue you cant do that. That song is the best setlist for us to regionals and beat The Warblers." Rachel protest.

I didnt say anything. My body is here but my mind is not here. I'm still thinking about what my parents said last night. Why should we move if I already enjoy here? I mean, Lima is my place not Manchester anymore.

"Right, Madison?" Kurt asks me.

I turn my face to the others. "Ugh.. What?" I raise my eyebrows.

"The things that I've just said?" Kurt frowns.

"What the things you said?" I ask Kurt.

"Ugh forget it." Kurt rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry, my mind was wandering." I said to them and Mr. Schue.

"You okay? If you sick you can go to nurses office." Mr. Schue frown at me.

"I'm fine, Mr. Schue. I'm sorry." I half-smiled.

"Regionals is two weeks and we dont have any setlist. You've gotta be kidding me." Santana says.

"Alright for the glee club assignment this week is Original Song." Mr. Schue says as he wrotes on the white board.

"Original Song?" Rachel frowns.

"Yeah all of you have to write a song and the best song we will use for regionals so we can beat The Warblers." Mr. Schue says to us. "You can write a song from anything. Someone you hate, someone you love, things you like or even you want to tell your problem in a song, just do it." Mr. Schue gave us music sheets one by one.

"We have to write down here?" Puck asks.

"Yes and I really appreciate if someone is ready to show me their original song. And I hope your song would be better than a daughter of songwriter." Mr. Schue says and chuckles at me.

"I cant write a song, Mr. Schue." I roll my eyes.

The bells rings

"Alright that was for today and dont forget for your assignment." Mr. Schue says to us.

I put the music sheets into my bagpack. What song I'm gonna write? I cant even write a song like dad did. I mean he is so much more talented than me.

I take my bagpack and went out from the choir room. I'm wondering what if I dont get any chance to see choir room tomorrow? What if we really move to Manchester? This is too late because I'm in love with Lima now.

"Maddy, you okay?" Finn stops my way.

"I'm fine." I simply said and turn my way to keep walking.

"You're not okay. What's wrong?" Finn stops me again.

"I just wanna be alone, Finn." I said with my head down.

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry okay." Finn hold my sleeve.

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