Doctor No Name

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I opened the sliding door with triumph, my competitive side loving the moment right now. Although the asian boys' voice was strong and clear, something about the voice inside was just... more.

I take a step inside, closing the door behind me, knowing everybody was waiting outside of the room for a reason. I face Mr.Clair with a toothy grin hoping he wouldn't be much of a trouble but only he returns the favour by not casting me the slightest of glances. I walk to his monitor and check everything including his IV, before dragging a chair next to his bed.

"Hello Mr.Cl-" I start. 

"Robin, call me Robin," he corrects, not even looking at me. 

"Right, Robin, I'm Aspen your assisting doctor for your tumor removal.I'm on-call for your operation all the way from the Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell in New York City.  If you have any questions, you should ask me now," I say gasping for a bit of air at then end. 

He looks and then scans me, which made me slightly squirm in my seat , but when I met his eyes, they filled with a broken expression and hurt spread everywhere. What was up with these people? Am I repulsive to look at? Did I have something on my face? 

"Is something wrong?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. 

He coughs covering up what his face just displayed and goes back to his normal, solid state. "Aren't you a bit...young to be a doctor?" 

I scoff then stretch my arms out, loosening up the tight muscles, "Says the person who owns a billion dollar company, plus I'm actually a fellow, " I correct. 

"A fellow?" he asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Not an official doctor. Kind of like a higher resident," I try to explain in terms he would at least partially understand. 

He nods his head slowly, going back to sulking and staring out the window like it was a sappy movie moment. I check my watch, "We have 12 hours until your surgery. Is there anything you want to do? Any questions?" He shook his head no, but I none the less I suggest, "you should get your  friends in here for the time being."

"No. I just need to rest befo-" 

"Listen, you're going to be resting a lot after the operation. Come on, they're worried sick outside." He raises an eyebrow at me. I could tell he was contemplating about it. He knew I was right, but didn't want to bring himself to admit it. He ends up just staring back out the window. 

I sigh, I head to the door, ready to research who this Robin Clair really was. 

"Leave the door open," he grunts.  



(Please read)

Hey guys! I'm glad everybody liked the first chapter! I wanted to upload something today. I know it's a bit late but I'm trying to post a chapter every day. Sorry this is a filler chapter, and nothing really happened but it's all for a good reason, I promise. I didn't want to post a crappy chapter filled with nothing so it is a bit short. I will be adding a playlist in the next few chapter, just because I think they would fit it well. Again,  thanks for all the support and you should come back tomorrow for some big things. ;) 

P.S - Anybody have any idea how this whole thing would end?

Luv you guys <3


*Photo is a gif of Robin played by Pedro Bertolini* 

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