Chapter 16

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"Wasn't he the cutest," Anne giggled like a sneaky mom showing me another one of Harry's baby photos.

"Yea! He was adorable," I gasped taking the photo out of her hands to examine it better. She had snuck off to grab the photos while Harry was in the kitchen cooking dinner with Robin. They had decided to have a late dinner after we had finished getting to know each other. I didn't release any information I didn't have too, but still half of it was news to Harry. He hadn't known my dad was a high school principal, or that my mom worked from home. He didn't even know I had any siblings. Which was exactly the way I wanted it. I didn't like telling people about my story. No one had to know how horrible my life had been for a while, and I am probably being dramatic. It could always be worse, but it mattered to me and I was the one who had to deal with it. Harry had never brought up my family and I wasn't quite sure how I felt about that. I was glad, because I know I wouldn't have told him, but had it never occurred to him to ask? Had he not cared? I didn't have much time to think about it, because Harry appeared in the doorway, more than likely to tell us the food was ready. A horror stricken look crossed his face and he stared at the pile of photos.

"Mum!" he roared. "What are you doing?" he was caught between embarrassed rage and the respect he had from his mother. She gave him a look and a strangled noise escaped his throat, before he clamped his mouth shut and balled his fists.

"Harry, why didn't you tell me you were so adorable?" I asked, just to piss him off. He gave me a hard look and I almost laughed out loud.

"I'm serious! You were the cutest kid ever!" I exclaimed holding up a photo.

"And you had straight hair!" I exclaimed excitedly. I really was glad Anne had started showing me these and telling me more about his past. Harry had been such a sweet kid. It broke my heart to see what the world had done to him by shutting him out and casting him as an outcast.

He hadn't deserved it.

His face softened at my truly ecstatic state. He smiled softly and came forward taking the picture out of my hands and studying it. A haunted look took over his perfect face. I knew that look. It the kind of haunted look when the past you tried so hard to forget about, the past that you had spent so long burying comes back to you. In the most unexpected time and place. He looked up from the picture and met my eyes. We shared and understanding look and I knew that now that I had given him the little bit of information about my past he was going to keep digging. Now that it had been brought up he wasn't going to leave it alone. The dissatisfied look that had taken over him vanished the longer he looked at me. He held his hand out to me, a smile forming on his beautiful curved lips.

"Dinners ready." I looked up and grabbed his hand returning the smile. He pulled me up and didn't let my hand go until we reached the table and he only let it go to pull out my chair for me. I raised my eyebrows and furrowed them in confusion. What is going on? Why is he being so nice? This is weird. I mean I know Harry has his sweet moments, but it was never pulling out chairs and things of that sort. I gladly sat down in the chair and looked around the food on the table. It was some sort of chicken pasta and I was already watering at the mouth. Nobody could cook like Harry. A secret talent of his that I'm sure only a few amount of people had been blessed with getting to know that.

Dinner was fun and light and we always had a conversation going. About random things, about college, about our friends. Anything really. Anne seemed interested to know about me and Harry. Asking how we became friends and things of the sort, but Harry always turned it around by asking her something about the wedding that Harry hadn't been able to attend due to a late paper that counted half of the semester grade. I stared at him for a moment when Anne had told me that. Harry never turned anything in late. He got it done early so he didn't have to worry about it later. Plus, he hadn't even had a test that counted half of the semester grade. I would have known if he had. He shifted uncomfortably under my gaze, so I looked away. I didn't want to ruin dinner, and maybe if I let this slide he would drop the thing about my past. Maybe.

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