Chapter 2 : Human Body

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Dipper can hear Mabel loud cheerful voice calling for his name. His bedroom door is already wide open when he turn his head and Mabel is already in front of his room.

"She always has the perfect timing for everything," Bill said not so quietly.

"Have you finish unpack- is that Bill?" Mabel asked, her face look so shocked. Bill is still in Dipper bed, his triangle body take half of the bed.

"It's been awhile, Shooting Star." Bill greet with his playful tone.

"What is he doing here, bro-bro?" Mabel asked Dipper, ignoring Bill greeting. Still surprised, he can't say anything. "You didn't make any deal right?" Mabel asked again, the shock change into suspicion. Dipper just shook his head.

"Oh, don't lie, Pine Tree. We make a deal, a harmless one." Bill answered, ignoring the fact that he is being ignored by Mabel.

"What kind of deal?" Mabel asked she didn't mention anyone. She just wanted an answer. What is her brother doing to end up making a deal with the dream demon again?

"It's harmless, really. He's going to tell me something I want to know and I let him stay in my room for awhile." Dipper finally answered.

"But how do you know it's harmless? Bill is an evil maniac, Dipper! Don't you remember the last time you made a deal with him he took over your body? Are you out of your mind Dipper?" Mabel was so frustrated by her twin brother. She can't believe that her brother can be so stupid.

Dipper knew that Mabel will be worried and scared, but it was too late to lie to her. "Don't worry Mabel, Bill made a promise that he won't make any mess."

"But how can we trust him? He's sly and he will find a loophole."

Bill who was laying on the bed finally said something, "You don't need to worry, Shooting Star. I won't do anything that can harm any of you, I promise."

"Fine! But if you do anything that can harm any of us, I will turn you back again into stone!" Mabel threatened Bill, who just laugh.

"By the way, what's the big thing that you're going tell Dipper anyway?" asked Mabel.

"Oh, so many unexplainable things that your tiny little human brains can't hold it. Ask your precious twin brother what did I just said to him before you burst in."

"Wait, wha-what? So what you said before is true?" Dipper thought Bill was just joking around. But can this be true? After all this time he's a wizard?

"Ohh come on Pine Tree, what kind of a human without any magical power can wake me up? Use that brain of yours, brainiac."

"So you're telling us that Dipper here is a wizard?" asked Mabel with a very confused look on her face.

"Well, it isn't fair if two twins, but only one can be abnormal isn't it?"

"So you telling us that we, me and Dipper are wizards?" asked Mabel second time. She wanted to make sure that she wasn't misheard what Bill said.

"You got that right, Shooting Star."

"OH MY GOSH DIPPER! WE'RE A WIZARDDD!!!" Mabel screamed in excitement and started to jumped on the bed where Bill was still laying. She almost squashed him. With a quick reflex, Bill floated into the air.

"Hey watch it, Shooting Star!"

Mabel was still in full excitement, ignoring Bill who gave her an annoyed look. Dipper stared blankly at his twin sister who was still jumping on his bed.

"Pine Tree, don't look so shocked," Bill said noticing Dipper blank stare. Bill float to sit next to Dipper on the sofa. Mabel already sat in the middle of Dipper bed when Dipper come back from his mind.

"So, can we use magic?" Mabel asked.

"I can't tell you," Bill asked easily, ignoring Mabel pouting. Bill notices that Mabel try to use her usual puppy eyes too, but it's not working for Bill. The Pines twins didn't change much. Except for their body.

Dipper got a little bit taller than Mabel, even though Mabel insist that she still the Alpha Twin between them. Dipper usual messy hair is still messy but got a little bit better while Mabel still has her long brown hair, but her braces are already gone.

"Why?" Mabel asked, still pouting at Bill.

"Let's make a deal." Bill offered, he already offered his hand, the blue flame in his hand shine warmly.

"No, thank you. I don't want any deal with you." Mabel rejected instantly. She turned her head so she is looking into her twin brother eyes, "Sir Dippingsauce ask Bill, can we use magic?"

Okay, maybe Bill is wrong. Not only their body, they also become a little bit smarter.

"Can we use our magic?" Dipper ask.

"Yes, you can, Pine Tree." Bill answer, he actually didn't want to tell them but a deal is a deal. He can't back away now.

"How?" Dipper asked again.

"A little bit of practice and a little bit of this and that." Bill answer shortly. A deal is a deal but his deal with Dipper only say that he will tell Dipper what he wanted to know. Nothing said about it must be the truth or in full details.

"Can you teach us?" Mabel interrupted.

"Yes, I can, Shooting Star." Bill answer. "But, it came with a price, of course." Bill offer his hand again, glowing in the familiar blue flame.

Mabel and Dipper stay quite after that, lost in their mind. Yes, Mabel wanted to learn how to use magic, because she is a wizard. Yes, Dipper also wanted to learn because he is curious about what he can do, but he also remembered about what Grunkle Ford write in the Journal.

Trust no one and don't summon Bill at all costs.

The silence is heavy. Bill still offer his hand to anyone who will reach it.

"What is the price?" Dipper asked finally.

"A human body."

(4-9-4 20-8-5 15-23-12 7-15-20 12-15-19-20?)

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