Chapter 12: Stay With Me

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Dipper walked downstairs to the kitchen to see Stan. He walked slowly with a bowed head. It's just had been two weeks in Gravity Falls and now he and his sister are going back home to California. They thought they're going to enjoy the rest of their summer here, like their other summer but now Dipper can only hope that they can come back quickly and enjoy the rest of their summer there before school starts.

When Dipper entered the kitchen, it was already empty. No dirty dishes in the sink, all the plates are all in place, and the table was already clean. There was no sign of Stan inside, he's probably in the living room, Dipper thought.

Dipper exits the kitchen and turned to his left to the living room. The room glowed in blue, the light from the TV shone brightly in the dark living room. Dipper went inside, Stan was sitting on the couch in front of the TV, watching a lame horror movie and drinking a can of soda "Ehm," Dipper cleared his throat, tried to get Stan attention.

Stan noticed there was someone beside him, he turned his head to the source of the sound, where he saw Dipper standing by the door with a gloomy face. "Jeez kid, what happen to your face? Did you accidently eat your sister's glitter?" asked half-joking.

"Grunkle Stan, Mabel and I are going back home tomorrow," replied Dipper with a sad look on his face.

Shocked by hearing what Dipper just said, some soda burst out from Stan's mouth, leaving a messy wet stain on the floor. "Wait, what?"

Dipper stared at the stain on the floor with a disgusted look, "I won't clean that, for your info," said Dipper quickly before his Grunkle told him to clean it up.

"What happen? Did your parents just called and told you to go back home?" asked Stan still with a shocked look on his face.

Dipper sighed, "Yeah, I don't know why, but they said there was chaos happening all over the states and they were worried," explained Dipper. "But, they said if the situation is cleared, we can return back to Gravity Falls."

"How long you will be gone?" asked Stan again. Dipper can see his Grunkle's face were showing a sad expression. Of course, he does. It had just been two weeks since the twins arrived. Stan and his twin brother, Ford always wanting summer to come early so they can see their great niece and nephew again. The Mystery Shack was deserted without Dipper and Mabel presents. But it seems the fun and joy in the shack is going to shut down for a moment until they return.

"I don't know, but I hope it's no more than two weeks," hopped Dipper.

"Yeah... so you two gonna take the earliest bus tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah..." Dipper sighed again.

"Better start packing and get some rest now. Ford and I are going to accompany the two of you to the bus stop."

"Okay..." said Dipper weakly. "I'll better go upstairs now. Nite Grunkle Stan." Dipper walked out from the living room and went upstairs to his bedroom

"Nite, kid" replied Grunkle Stan after Dipper walked out. He sighed and take another sip of soda. Never thought I'm gonna miss you this fast kid, said Grunkle Stan in his mind.

Slowly Dipper walked to his bedroom, he looked at an owl shape clock on the wall, it's already 9.30 pm. The bus will be leaving around 8 am tomorrow. He counted the hours he had left, well at least we still got less than eleven hours left, mumble Dipper in his mind.

Finally, Dipper reached his room, he opened it slowly, but before he stepped a foot inside, a familiar voice greeted him, "Took you long enough just to answer a phone call." It was Bill, he was laying upside down on the sofa.

When Abnormal Becomes The Norm (Bill Cipher X Dipper Pines)Where stories live. Discover now