Chapter 6 : Into The Forest

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Dipper had a really great sleep last night. He woke up and felt his body lighter and fresher than usual. The sun was already up high in the sky. It's been a long time since he had woken up so late.

He rubbed his eyes, stretched out his arms and looked at the sofa, the place where Bill slept last night. The sofa was already empty, just leaving a messy blanket and pillow all over it, but there's a yellow jacket that probably belongs to Bill. He was probably already downstairs with Mabel, thought Dipper.

Quickly, Dipper changed his clothes wearing his usual red shirt, dark blue jacket, a pair of jeans, and his old hat with a blue pine tree at the front, the one that he got from the first time he went to Gravity Falls. He already wore that hat for over two years now. Mabel always keeps complaining about his worn out old hat, but Dipper still keeps wearing it. For Dipper it's not just an ordinary hat, it's something that always keeps reminding him of the great adventure he had back when he was still twelve years old. The hat is a part of Dipper's history.

After Dipper done changing his clothes, he walked downstairs to the kitchen. Grunkle Stan probably already leading a tour again, tricking all the tourist to give him money while Grunkle Ford probably in the basement doing his usual research or maybe he was with Fiddleford in the Northwest Mansion.

"Morning, bro-bro." 

"Morning, Pine Tree."

Mabel was in the kitchen, making pancakes while Bill was sitting on a chair and eating his pancakes. Bill's long white sleeve shirt was rolled up to his elbows, he's also still wearing his waistcoat.

"Morning, Mabel and Bill," Dipper greeted back, he sat in front of Bill. Mabel placed a plate full of pancakes with a sparkling pink glitter in front of him. Dipper ignored the disgusting sparkling things on top of his pancakes and ate all of it without complaining.

"What are you gonna do today?" Mabel asked Dipper.

"I don't know, maybe staying in my room, reading all day or help the store... or maybe, exploring the forest again?" Dipper answered, not sure about what he is going to do today.

"Or maybe, you can study magic with me?" Bill suggested.

"Yeahh... I will think about it later," Dipper said while taking another bite of pancakes.

"But, why? Don't you want to learn magic?" Mabel asked excitedly. Dipper just shrugged his shoulders. They continued eating their pancakes in silence. After finishing their brunch, Dipper went to the store while Mabel was going upstairs to her room to learn some magic from Bill. 

When Dipper arrived in the store, Wendy was already in the cash register while Soos was fixing the lamp. A few tourist was already in the store, checking out merchandise that is way too expensive. Dipper went to the storage room to take some more stock.

Around lunch time, Mabel came to the store, her face looked exhausted. Bill followed her not far behind.

"I had enough of magic," Mabel complained to Dipper.

"I thought you are the one who wants to study it," Dipper said, half ignoring his twin sister complains.

"Yeah, but I never think that it will be this hard," Mabel continued to complain.

"It's not really that hard, Shooting Star. You're just out of practice, you will get used to it in no time," said Bill while helping Dipper putting some stock in higher places Dipper can't reach.

"You can go, bro-bro. I'll help the store," said Mabel. Dipper put on the last thing on the shelf before he told Mabel that he was going to take a shower. Dipper went back to his room, taking clean clothes and went to the bathroom. Dipper starts singing while taking a shower, he didn't notice Bill that was standing in front of the bathroom door listening to his singing.

"Disco Girl, coming through, that girl is you~"

"You still sing in the shower, Pine Tree?" Bill asked with a laugh in the end of his sentence. Dipper froze when he heard Bill voice from the door.

"Bill? What the hell are you doing?" 

"I was gonna ask you when do you want to learn magic," Bill answered, his voice is still full of laughter.

"You can do it later! I'm taking a shower!" Dipper shouted from inside the bathroom.

"I didn't know you still sing while showering," Bill said, "That's so cute, Pine Tree."

"Go away!" Dipper shouted again, Dipper can hear Bill answering an okay. He waited till he can't hear the footsteps and then he continued to sing again.

After Dipper finished showering, he went back to his room to put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Bill was half laying on the sofa, reading a book Dipper brought from California.

"You meat-sack, study this kind of things?" Bill asked when Dipper enter his bedroom.

"What kind of things?" Dipper asked back, he walked towards Bill to see the book that Bill was reading. Bill move the book so Dipper can see it more clearly. "Oh, this kind of things," Dipper said when he saw all kinds of triangles in the book. "Yes, we study them, it's called trigonometry."

Bill looked at Dipper, his face is full of confusion.

"It's like I'm seeing myself, but a lot way much nerdier. It's funny how you humans are so weird," Bill mumble more to himself. Dipper ignored Bill comment and took the book from Bill's hand. Bill tried to take it back from Dipper, but Dipper already walked away to put the book back from where it came from.

"Do you want to take a walk in the forest?" Bill asked Dipper when he saw Dipper taking his running shoes and his worn hat. Dipper only nodded while tying his shoe laces. "Then I'm coming along," Bill said easily, standing up from the sofa.

"What? Why?" Dipper asked. He wanted to walk alone, but if Bill wanted to come along... how will he gonna say that Bill can't?

"Who knows what kind of creature will chase after you again. I have to protect you if I want to go back to the Mindscape. I actually don't care if you die anyway," Bill answered, summoning his cane from out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" Dipper asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to found out," Bill answered carelessly. He left the room without waiting for Dipper. When Dipper went outside, Bill was already waiting for him in the front of the porch. Bill offered his hand when Dipper was already beside him, "Shall we?"


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