Chapter 18: Trouble

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When Mabel ran back to Dipper, he was still lying unconsciously on the side of the road. His clothes were singed, his cap was covered in black ashes. Some part of his skin were burned off and injured. But fortunately, the wound wasn't that bad.

Mabel sat on the ground beside Dipper. She was scared when she looked at her twin brother. She was scared that she will lose him too, after 10 minutes ago she already loses her precious pig, Waddles. Gently, she put her hand on Dipper's neck, searching for a pulse. Gladly, she can feel a soft pulse on his neck. Mabel was relieved that not all the thing she loves were gone, yet. She still had Dipper by her side, even though now he was still knock out from the crash.

The problem Mabel to deal right now was how to wake Dipper up. He had been unconscious for a quite long time. She didn't have any experience in handling an unconscious person. She wanted to shook him hard or just slapped him on the face, but seeing Dipper's wound made her think twice about slapping him hard. So Mabel decided just to wait until Dipper became sober.


"I already told you, Pine Tree. That you should stay with me and all of this won't happen if you just accept my offer."

Dipper was still lying half-conscious. He opened his eyes and saw Bill face right in front of his, and he also just realizes that he was sleeping on Bill's lap. "What the?!" Dipper face turned into full confusion and quickly sat straight. "Bill, what are you doing here? And what am I doing here? I was supposed to be on a bus with Mabel." Dipper said still confuse with Bill's present again.

"Calm down a bit will ya? You already know where you are," Bill rolled his eye.

Dipper looked around, he was in Gravity Falls but all the things he saw was the black and white world. He was back in the Mindscape. "Wha, why am I here Bill?"

"Little Pine Tree just never learn huh?" said Bill with a sarcastic tone. "Here I give you a hint. First, you miss me. Second, you really miss me. And third, you almost died and the last thing on your mind is me."

Dipper started to panic after he heard the word died from Bill's mouth. "Wait, what? I almost died? Wha, what happen to me?"

"Let's just say the thing that you dreamed when you were on the bus to California really happened," said Bill without looking at Dipper who was already staring sharply at him.

"You mean my body was in the real world and my soul is wandering at the Mindscape right now?"

"Took you long enough to figure it out," Bill replied.

"What happen to the bus Bill? How can I get back to reality? Oh no! Is Mabel okay? How bad is the accident? Did Ma-" before Dipper can finish his question, Bill's soft lips stopping him from asking any more questions. Dipper didn't know how to react. He wanted to shove Bill away, but his body just can't do it. It was like his body wanted to be in this situation. And his lips just can't let go either. He can feel his heart pounding so fast. He didn't understand a thing what made his body won't let go. He tried to think but he can't think of anything else. He was trying to find an explanation from his inner self but he just can't find or think of anything right now. But finally, after a long struggle inside his head, Dipper chose to close his eyes, enjoy this moment and accept the fact that he loves it. And he was also glad that they were inside the Mindscape and nobody is going to see them.

Finally, Bill took a step back and smile gently at his Pine Tree. "I know that you're going to love it Pine Tree," said Bill with his usual teasing tone.

Dipper face had gone red all of a sudden, "Wha-what? I-I'm..." Dipper stopped talking when Bill surprised him again. This time, Bill shoved his face towards Dipper, an inch close to Dipper's lips. He looked Dipper in the eye and slowly closed his eye. 

Without any command from Dipper's brain, he automatically closed his eyes, knowing that he will be taken to a place that he can't think rationally. But he loves that place.

Dipper was ready this time, but five seconds had passed and his lips still didn't feel any warm touch. Curious, he opened his eyes and he can see Bill was standing right in front of him, laughing so hard.

"Hahahaha, you're so cute Pine Tree, hahaha," Bill continued to laugh. "Y-you hahaha, you were expecting me to kiss you again, hahaha. Your face was so hilarious, hahaha, I can't stop laughing."

"Shut up Bill," Dipper shouted. His face began to grow red. "Just get me back to reality again, and I will kick your triangle ass when I get to Gravity Falls."

"Tsk tsk tsk, can't do it Pine Tree," said Bill while shaking his head.  "I suggest you better stay here than the reality. You need to believe me this time."

"Why? I need to see my sister. She must be worried about me. She will freak out if she knows that my soul is wandering in the Mindscape. Get me back to reality right now Bill!" Dipper insisted.

"A minute ago, you were having so much fun escaping from reality, and a minute after you insist me to get you back to reality. Are you having some kind of beepolar?"

"A what?" asked Dipper with a confusion on his face.

"You know, beepolar, a mental problem that some of you human have. I read it from your book."

"You mean bipolar?"

"Yeah, that's what I meant, bipolar, or whatever you human call it anyway," said Bill carelessly.

"Look, Bill, I really need to go to reality right now," said Dipper as he tried to calm down a bit. "Mabel is waiting for me and probably she's already slapping my face a hundred times now. I will be seeing you soon, though. We probably just 15 miles away from Gravity Falls and we can take a walk or find a ride."

"It's not like that, Dipper!" Bill suddenly shouted. Dipper never heard Bill shouted like that before. There must be something going on. "There's something going on in Gravity Falls. Something powerful that even I can't handle. I'm not powerful enough, Dipper. I'm still weak." 

Dipper knew Bill was serious this time. He had never seen Bill so down before. His usual arrogant and full of pride face had been wiped out. Bill had been dealing such a big problem right now. His anger of Bill not letting him to get back to reality abated. Now, he was worried about Bill.


A/N: Hey guys, we're really sorry for postponing the story for a very long time. In mid-April, all of our exams will be finished. For the last 2 months, we dealt so fucking many exams and didn't have the time to relax a bit. After all the exams are finished, unfortunately, I will still be dealing with my IELTS and preparation for the university entrance, so probably I/We will continue the story in May when it's all finished. We hope for your patience and understanding. Thank you for all the votes and comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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