Chapter 7 : Dancing in The Meadow

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"Shall we?"

Dipper blushed when he saw what Bill was trying to do, but he still took his hand. Bill smiled satisfied with Dipper action by accepting his hand. They were holding hands while walking through the forest, what they didn't notice was they were not the only one there. Mabel saw them holding hands, taking her phone out and snapped a picture of them.

They walked through the forest slowly, Bill a few steps quicker than Dipper because of his long legs. Even though they were not walking side by side, Bill was not afraid of losing Dipper in the forest. They walked to the heart of the forest, it's an area that Dipper never dare to enter alone.

"Where are we going?" Dipper asked, Bill just shrugged his shoulders and continued to walked even further. Later, they arrived at a small meadow, surrounded by trees. The meadow is isolated, maybe only a few people will notice about it. Bill pulled him to the middle of the meadow. Now they are standing face to face, Bill slipped his hand to Dipper's waist, pulling Dipper body closer to his.

Dipper can felt the blood rushing to his face. Bill smiled teasingly, then he started to hum a tune that Dipper knew but cannot recall. Then Bill started to dance, step by step, slowly while humming the tune. Dipper followed Bill's lead, sometimes he stepped on Bill's feet. Bill closed his eye, enjoying every moment even when his feet was hurting.

It felt nice to dance like this in the middle of the forest. Enjoying the clean air, a few hummingbird that still singing even when it's summer. The sweet scent of various flowers that grows in the meadow. Bill and Dipper both enjoy every move they take. Bill twirled Dipper once, and one more time. Then he slipped back his hand to Dipper's waist.

Enjoying the dance, Dipper smiled so wide and he even starts giggling. Bill pulled Dipper even closer, Bill bend down a little so his forehead was pressed against Dipper's. The dance started to slow down, but they only stopped when Bill finished humming the tune.

They hold each other for a while before letting each other go. 

"Now, do you want to practice magic?" Bill asked, Dipper only nodded. "Let's start with something easy, like a simple defense and offense. Wizard usually use fire for offense, while wind and water can be used as a defense. You can also make some potions, but you have to gather the ingredients by yourself," Bill explained.

Bill helped Dipper on a few occasion but he let Dipper tried mostly by himself. When Dipper finally felt tired, it was already evening. The blue sky already changed into an orange-red sky, the hot summer day became a chilly night. Bill was sitting not far from Dipper, he was leaning against a big tree.

"Are you finish, Pine Tree?" Bill asked, "I must admit that I'm impressed by your power. You are a lot stronger than Shooting Star, but it's too bad that you are better in defense rather than offense."

"I just can't do this one spell, you told me," Dipper complained. Bill stood up and walked towards Dipper.

"Let me help you," Bill said. He stood behind Dipper, taking Dipper right hand from behind while slipping his left hand on Dipper waist. He whispered right next to Dipper ear, "Take a deep breath and focus."

Dipper focused on his energy and started to chant the spell that Bill told him, a strong shield surround them for a moment before disappearing. Bill made a comment about something that they need more practice after this, but Dipper was already too tired to make any comment. Bill took Dipper hand and pulled him again, this time taking Dipper back to the Shack.

When they got back, the Mystery Shack was already preparing to close. Wendy was already standing in front of the door, saying goodbye to Mabel and Soos. When Wendy was about to leave the store, she noticed Dipper was walking back home with someone. "Hey Dipper I was just going to leave, who's that blonde dude with you?" asked Wendy.

"Oh, Will this is Wendy, she's one of Grunkle Stan's employees, she works in the cash register. And Wendy this is Bill, my, err... friend." Dipper just remembered that Wendy and Soos didn't know Bill yet. Maybe this is the perfect time to introduced them to Bill.

"Hey, the name William Phirec, you can call me Will. I'm new here," Bill introduced himself to Wendy.

"Cool, nice to meet ya. I'm Wendy" said Wendy with a smile. "Do you have a place to stay?"

"Yes, I live with Dipper here, in the Shack," answered Bill.

"That pesky old man let you stay for free? Dude, did Stan just stop being Stan?" asked Wendy to Dipper, not believing Stan would let someone stays for free.

"Oh, no no, he's still Stan alright. He let Bill stay here as long as he works here too," explained Dipper, while Bill was nodding agreeing what Dipper said.

"Well that sounds like Stan," said Wendy with a little bit of laughter. "It's gonna be dark soon, see you guys tomorrow. Bye, Dipper. Bye, Will," Wendy gave them a small waved of goodbye before she continued to walk back to her home.

Bill didn't comment anything about Wendy. They continued to go inside, Soos was still cleaning the floor, still didn't notice Bill's presents, while Mabel was restocking the shelf.

"Oh, you're back, bro-bro! Whatcha doing in the forest?" Mabel asked.

"Practicing magic with Bill and I'm tired," Dipper answered. "Bill, can you please help Mabel, I'm going upstairs to my room." Bill gave him a nod.

Dipper walked slowly to his room, feeling he can fall asleep at any second. When he was half way through the stairs, he heard Mabel, Soos, and Bill was talking. Probably Soos already noticed Bill's presents. Dipper was planning to introduce Soos to Bill, but now he just let Mabel do it, he really wanted to get some sleep.

Finally, Dipper reached his room. He quickly took off his shoes and jacket, not forgetting to put his hat beside his bed. He let his body fall to his bed, he sighed while closing his eyes. He almost fell asleep when he heard a voice calling his name.

"Pine Tree, let's go eat dinner. Sixer already done cooking it," Bill said while poking at Dipper's body.

"Too tired," Dipper mumbled half-asleep.

"Do you want me to tell them that you're already asleep?" Bill asked again, Dipper only nodded. "Okay, sleep well, Pine Tree."

The next thing Dipper hear is a slow footstep leaving his room and then everything went black.


The next day, Dipper woke up early in the morning. Bill was still sleeping on the sofa, hugging a pillow while the blanket covered almost all of his body. Dipper went to the bathroom to pee when he notices the world suddenly went black and white, but it was only for a moment. Dipper thought that's probably just his imagination so he continued his journey to the bathroom. After he's done peeing, he went back to his bedroom to change his clothes.

After that, he went to the kitchen, Ford is already there. Brewing some coffee for himself and probably for Grunkle Stan.

"Morning, Dipper. It's weird to see you awake this early," greeted Ford.

"Morning, Grunkle Ford. I slept early last night so I wake up early," Dipper said, before asking, "Where's Grunkle Stan?"

"He's at the store, there's an early tourist bus today," Ford said, Dipper nodded his head and went to the store. The store was still dark, they don't usually have tourist this early in the morning. Dipper switched the light on when everything went black and white again, Dipper thought it was the lamp fault but when he looked around everything was black and white, it was only for a moment again.

He's gonna ask Bill about this later, but now he has a store to open.


When Abnormal Becomes The Norm (Bill Cipher X Dipper Pines)Where stories live. Discover now