Chapter 10 : Phone Call

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After discovering that he is the source of Bill's energy, Bill didn't hold back anymore. Bill stay near Dipper almost all the time.


They were sitting behind the counter in the store when Dipper curiosity hits him again.

"Why are you so close?" Dipper asked out of nowhere, both of them were waiting for the next tourist bus to arrived.

"The closer I am, the more energy I get," Bill answered easily without caring too much, he flips another page of a magazine he was reading. Dipper stayed silent for a while trying to process it. "But touching you is even better, I got more energy that way," Bill said without even looking at Dipper confused face.

"Is that why I always felt tired lately?" Dipper asked again. Bill nodded his head while he flips another page. "You said that you need my energy to continue living, does it mean you're going to stay with me forever?"

Bill almost nodded but then he shook his head. Pine Tree is probably confused, Bill thought and then he answered, "Well, yes, I need you to continue living, but-" Bill paused to put the magazine back from where it came from, "it's only until I got all of my power back, so no, I'm not gonna stay here forever."

"Are we kinda... connected because of this sharing energy things?" Dipper asked, his brain was still processing all of this new information he got from Bill.

"I mean, yeah kinda," Bill answered easily. "That's why I'm going to protect you from any danger in Gravity Falls."


It's been two weeks since the twins had been living with Bill. They thought living with a dream demon who planned to destroy the reality three years ago will be such a bad idea, but when you spent all day living with him it may change your thought about him.

The Mystery Shack was twice much more crowded than usual, and most of them were women. Not only tourists who visited the Mystery Shack, even the locals came to the shack too. It's not the 'mysterious creatures' that Grunkle Stan showed in the museum that attracts the tourist or locals, but it's Bill. Bill had been popular among the ladies all of a sudden. From teenagers to middle age women, they all wanted to take pictures with Bill and that made Grunkle Stan came up with an idea.

Stan almost made Bill the main attraction in the museum and charged everyone $20 to take a picture with him and $100 to touch him. Of course, Bill refuse it, not wanting to be touch by some mortal strangers, but Stan won't give up if it's for the extra money he can make. So finally he made a deal with Bill, he promoted Bill to be in charge at the cash register. If anyone wanted to take a picture with him, they must buy with a minimum purchase of $150 at the gift shop. Bill wasn't too fond about Stan's deal but it's far much better to be standing on a stage all day and let people touching him.


The sun was up in the sky, it was a usual day in the Mystery Shack. Grunkle Stan was leading the tour, Grunkle Ford was in the basement doing some usual research, Soos was cleaning the store, Mabel and Wendy were restocking, Bill was in the cash register and Dipper was recommending some souvenirs for the tourist.

Dipper still wasn't getting used to going back and forth to the Mindscape. Being in a black and white world wasn't a great place to be, but Dipper knew when Bill is already getting his energy back on, he won't be coming back to the Mindscape again. It's all just in the matter of time.

It's 5.30 pm and the store was about to close. There were still a couple of tourist in the gift shop. Some of them were thinking what to buy, and some of them were taking pictures with Bill.

Dipper just stared at Bill who was serving the girls who wanted to take pictures with him. Bill never smiled for the camera, his face was full of pride and arrogance in every picture. Dipper was a little bit relief that Bill never looked interested with any of the girls that flirted with him but still felt kinda jealous with them.

The store was already close. The last tourist already went back to their bus. Wendy and Soos were already heading home. Grunkle Stan was watching TV in the living room, Mabel and Grunkle Ford were preparing dinner, and that leave Bill and Dipper at the Gift shop restocking some items on the shelves.

"Hey Pine Tree," called Bill.

"What?" asked Dipper while placing another Bobbing Stan's Head souvenir.

"I noticed that you were staring at me when I was working", said Bill with his teasing tone.

Dipper's face changed to red for a sudden, "What? No, I wasn't," said Dipper trying to hide his red face.

"Oh come on, don't lie to me Pine Tree. I know you were staring at me all day, especially when the girls took pictures with me." Bill's voice became more teasing.

Dipper face became even redder. He tried to ignore Bill, but Bill keeps teasing him.

"Do you know how adorable you are when your face turns red?" said Bill even more teasingly than before.

The word adorable that came from Bill's mouth, made Dipper even redder. He felt his face is going to burn anytime soon.

"Admit it Pine Tree, you're jealous of those girls," said Bill with a smirk on his face.

Dipper suddenly burst out, "What?! No! Why should I be jealous of them? I mean- I, err... UGH never mind. Just shut up Bill!" Dipper quickly put the last Bobbing Stan's Head on the shelf. He was going to get away from Bill, he had enough of Bill teasing him over and over, but when Dipper was about to leave the store, suddenly his hand felt warm. He was being pulled. Dipper fell into Bill's arms.

He gazed upon Bill's face, stared at his eye and felt his cheek starting to burn. Before Dipper can say anything, Bill's finger already touched his lips, and whispers in his ear, "Shhh... there's nothing to be ashamed of, Pine Tree. I know you're jealous of all those girls, but I never gave them the pleasure that I gave you. You will always be my little Pine Tree, and no mortal or any other being in the universe can replace you." Bill leaned his forehead to Dipper's. He put his hand onto Dipper's head and petted him gently.

Dipper went stiffed, not knowing what to do. A dream demon just told him that he owned him. Surely Dipper was surprised by what Bill just said. He didn't know that a demon like Bill who is full of pride and arrogance can say something like that, but right now, Dipper just wanted to enjoy every second of this moment. He closed his eyes and wished that this is the perfect time to be in the Mindscape, so the time can stop and there's only him and Bill without anyone interrupting.

Beautiful moments always won't last long, yet the reality was cruel. Dipper heard a running footstep from the kitchen, and Mabel was screaming his name, Bill quickly lets go of Dipper, perfect timing before Mabel burst out from the door.

"What is it, Mabel?" asked Dipper still with burning cheek on his face.

"Mom and Dad called. It's an emergency Dipper!" said Mabel with a face full of worried.

"What?! What happen?" asked Dipper with a confusion.

"I don't know, Dipper. Come on, they want to talk to us."

"Okay, okay hang on. Bill, maybe you can wait for us in the kitchen, we'll be right back," said Dipper. Bill gave them a nod and head to the kitchen.

Mabel quickly pulled Dipper to the living room and gave him the phone.

"Hi dad, is everything all right?" asked Dipper with a face full of worried. Several negative thought filled his mind. Did something bad had happened in California? Or something terrible had happened to his parents. He only can hope that everything is all right.

"We want both of you to come home quick!"


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