Chapter 8 : Black and White

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The store already open from early in the morning, Ford already called Dipper and Stan to eat breakfast. Dipper and Stan can only eat a little because the next bus already arrived when they were eating.

It was after the third bus when Bill woke up and went downstairs to ate breakfast. When he entered the kitchen, Bill saw Mabel who was cooking some egg and bacon, and Ford who was eating at the table.

"Morning Mabel and Mr. Pines," greeted Bill.

Mabel looked at Bill who was standing by the door for a moment, "Hey, morning Will," greeted Mabel back with a smile, and she continued to her cooking.

Ford who was eating only looked at Bill for a split second and he greeted Bill monotonously, "Morning."

Bill sat in front of Ford, waiting for Mabel to served his breakfast. Mabel put a plate in front of him and then went back to the stove, taking the pan with her and then asking Bill, "How many bacons do you want?"

"Two, please," Bill answered. 

"Coming right up," said Mabel with her usual cheerful tone. She walked towards the dining table with a pan of egg and bacon. Bill grinned when he saw Mabel placed the sunny side up egg with two bacon on his plate. He sprinkles some salt and pepper on the top of his food.

But before he can take a bite from his food, Ford who was secretly looking at Bill asked him a question which he had to answer first before taking his first bite. "How did you lose your right eye?"

"Well, when I was a child, I love to play in the forest. Meet some bear, didn't end up so nicely but I manage to survive, somehow," Bill lied smoothly and then he took a bite of his bacon. Ford nodded his head, he understood that bear can be dangerous.

"But why a triangle eye patch?" Mabel asked, as she finally finishes cooking breakfast for herself. She sat beside Ford, placed her plate on the table. There was a sunny side up and three... or maybe four bacon.

"Because I don't like a circle. I prefer triangle," Bill shrugged and made a smirk on his face, and he's not really lying this time. He really does prefer triangle rather than a circle. Mabel and Ford just nodded and didn't ask any more question after that. Ford leave first, saying that he wanted to continue his research in the basement.

Bill was the next to leave, he already put his dirty plate in the washer when Mabel called his name.

"Yeah?" Bill answered.

"Can you please bring this snack to Dipper? He hasn't eaten much since he woke up," Mabel said, already handing over a pack of snack to Bill's hand before Bill could answer. Bill just nodded his head, he's going to meet Dipper anyway.

Bill went to the store, the store was full with tourist. Children were running inside the store, playing with one another while their parents were busy choosing things they wanted to buy.

Bill can see Dipper's talking to one of the customers, probably recommending things. The customer finally decided that they are going to buy both of them. Bill watched Dipper worked for a while. He approached Dipper when the customer was already leaving.

"Remember, there is fun in no refund," Dipper said while smiling to the customer after purchasing the merchandise.

"Pine Tree," Bill called, handing over the pack of snack to Dipper. Dipper accepted it without complaining, he opened the pack and started to eat it.

"Do you want to switch?" Bill asked, Dipper almost nod his head when he realized something.

"Do you know how the register work?" Dipper asked back after swallowing the snack into his mouth. Bill shook his head.

"But I can try?" Bill said this time its Dipper turns to shook his head.

"You can just help restocking the items on the shelf, the next bus will arrive a few more minutes from now," Dipper answered. Bill nodded his head and went to the storage room to take some more restock.

"Where's Red Head and Question Mark, anyway?" Bill asked, with a few boxes on his hands.

"Wendy can't come today and Soos is gonna be here in the afternoon," Dipper answered. "Mabel probably help later," hopped Dipper that Mabel will help soon. Bill just nodded his head again while putting things on the shelf neatly.

Dipper watched Bill's work when the world went black and white again. Dipper just closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again and the world is back.

Dipper was confused, why is the world turned black and white again and again? It's already happened seventh time this morning. At first, he thought it was only his imagination, but now... he wasn't so sure anymore. Maybe his eyes were hurt or maybe it's because he was tired.

Dipper and Bill can hear a loud sound that usually came from a machine. When Dipper saw the parking lot, the next bus already arrived and Grunkle Stan was ready to welcome them.

At the same time, Mabel came to the store.

"Hey, Dip Dop," Mabel greeted cheerfully and it made Dipper wonder how can his twin sister be so optimist and cheerful all the time.

"Hey, Mabel," Dipper greeted back.

"Wanna change? You can rest for a while in the living room," Mabel said, she can see her twin brother tired face. It was so obvious, the blind probably can see it too.

Dipper nodded his head, he walked to the door that had the sign saying 'Employees only' while Mabel walked to the register. Mabel gave her twin brother a pat, more like a slap in his back making Dipper wince. How the hell Mabel is much stronger than Dipper? Maybe because she is the Alpha Twin, after all.

Dipper was already laying down on the sofa when the world went black and white again. He closed his eyes and opened it again, but this time the black and white world stayed.

(2-9-12-12 9-19 19-15 14-1-18-3-9-19-19-9-19-20-9-3, 8-5 23-5-1-18-19 8-9-19 19-5-12-6 1-19 1-14 5-25-5 16-1-20-3-8) 

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