Chapter 15 : Homesick

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On the way to California, Dipper and Mabel didn't see anything strange. There's no sign of any emergency at all. It made them wonder what kind of chaos happened in California.

Around 6 pm they passed the 'Welcome To Piedmont, California' sign. By the time they got home, it's already around 7 pm.

Their parents welcome them with a big warm welcoming hug.

"Mom! Dad! What happen here?" Mabel asked quickly. "Nothing change at all along our way."

"Yeah, what's the problem?" added Dipper.

Mr. and Mrs. Pines looked at each other and they started to smile.

"There's no problem here," Mr. Pines answered.

"What?!" Mabel shouted instantly. "But you said there's a chaos here, so you wanted us to come home!"

"No, nothing happen. We just miss you and wanted you to come home," Mrs. Pines answered while smiling.

"So, all that you said in the phone call is a lie?" asked Dipper half-shouting. He didn't know what to feel. He felt angry but at the same time, he felt relieved.

"Lie? We just didn't tell you the truth, but it is a chaos here without you and Mabel because we missed you guys so bad," Mrs. Pines answered again, still smiling. Hugging her daughter once more before letting her go. "Let's go inside," invited Mrs. Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Pines already start walking inside, Mabel following them. Leaving Dipper standing alone in front of their house.

"Why did you have to lie?" Dipper asked suddenly, Mrs. Pines turn her head to see Dipper disappointed face.

"Because we knew that you and Mabel won't come home unless there's an emergency here," Mrs. Pines answered. "Now, let's go inside before it gets any colder."

Mabel looked at her twin brother face, the disappointment was still there but Mabel can't really say anything. She felt it too, the disappointment. She wondered why her parents had to lie, if they just say it that they missed them, they should have just said it.

"Come on in Dipper. You don't want to spend the night outside right?" Mrs. Pines invited her son to come in once again.

Dipper took a deep breath and walked heavily inside. But before his parents said anything to him again, he ran upstairs to his room and slam the door.

Mrs. Pines looked at her husband with a worried face. "He probably gets over it by tomorrow," shrugged Mr. Pines. "And Mabel, can you please help your mother prepare dinner?"

Mabel who was standing there with a frowning face just shook her head and walked heavily to the kitchen. She wanted to see his brother, but she didn't want to upset her parents.

"Come on, Mabel. I make you and your brother favorite dish." Mrs. Pines shoved her to the kitchen.

The cold summer air entered Dipper's room. He curled on his bed, keeping his eyes open and gazed upon the ceiling. Disappointment filled up in his head.

He wished he never agreed to his father to go home. He wished he would just stay in Gravity Falls. He wished he knew this is just his parents set up. He wished to be back in Gravity Falls. He wished to see Stan and Ford again. He wished he can talk to Wendy and Soos again. And he wished he could spend his time with Bill again.

Bill... The dream demon. The yellow triangle shape demon. The narcissistic, arrogant demon. His appearance suddenly popped up on Dipper head.

'I know you miss me, Pine Tree,' Bill's playful voice resonate in Dipper's head. Go away, Bill.

'Admit it Pine Tree, you miss me. I know you do.' Dipper shook his head to get Bill out of his mind.

'No need to be embarrassed, Pine Tree. I miss you, though.' Without any warning, his face turned red. Dipper just had been played by his own mind.

Did Bill play with his mind again? Did he try to make Dipper go insane? Or did he have entered his mind? Dipper shook his head one more time, tried to clear up his mind.

He closed his eyes and tried to think straight. He reached his head and started to massage his head slowly, it's his preliminary way to have a clear mind.

First, there's no way Bill can get inside his mind. He can't leave Gravity Falls, because of the Law of Weirdness that Ford had mentioned. But, the dream he had in the bus felt so real. He can feel Bill's presents but is it really him or it's just his mind tricking him again.

Second, he already made a deal with Bill. What was the deal again? Dipper closed his eyes tighter. He remembered about providing him a place to stay and helped him get a human body. But did he made a deal about not harming anyone and his self?

Dipper groans in frustration. He still confused why did he can't get Bill out of his mind. He tried to relax his body and keep his eyes close, bit Bill's voice resonated again, 'I know you miss me, Pine Tree.'

Ughh, go away. I don't miss... wait. Suddenly Dipper opened his eyes and realized something. Missed. Did he really miss him? After all this time he just missed him? Well, that' the only logical explanation he can think but he still can't believe his own mind. Did Dipper Pines the naive teenage boy missed a dream demon that shaped like a dorito who tried to take over the world?

No, no, no it can't be. His dignity won't let him missed him.

But his mind betrayed him. A slice of memory played like a screen projector on his mind. Bill danced with him in the Meadow. Bill taught Dipper how to use and control his magic. Bill hugged him in the store. Bill kissed him on the forehead. Dipper's hand automatically reached his forehead. He suddenly felt warm that Bill had left. The color of red painted his face again.

And finally, Dipper admitted to himself, that yes, he totally missed Bill and he wanted to go home to Gravity Falls. Right now.



A/N: We want to apologize because we didn't update on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! So here is an update, we probably won't post anything this week either except this chapter because we went somewhere for school activities. We hope you guys understand, thanks for reading, voting, commenting and waiting for updates.

When Abnormal Becomes The Norm (Bill Cipher X Dipper Pines)Where stories live. Discover now