Chapter 14 : Dream or Reality?

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"Pine Tree?"

Dipper can hear a voice calling out his name.

"Open your eyes, Pine Tree."

Dipper knew that voice, "Bill?" He tried to open his eyes.

"Yes, it's me, Pine Tree. Please open your eyes," Bill answered.

Dipper began to open his eyes. His vision was a bit blurry. He can see two Bill's faces right in front of his face. He rubbed his eyes, tried to synchronize his vision. And finally, he gained his vision back and it's all began to be crystal clear now.

Bill was still putting his face in front of Dipper's, but Dipper just ignore him because the thing he saw besides Bill was a black and white world, but Dipper knew this place. It's the forest around the Mystery Shacks. The difference was there's no one there except Bill and himself.

"What am I doing here?" He began to stand up and looked around. "What happen to the bus?" Dipper asked when he remembered the last thing he did on the bus.

"Nothing happen to the bus, Pine Tree. You just fell asleep while answering all the crossword," Bill answered.

"Really?" Dipper asked again, not sure if he should trust Bill or not. Bill didn't answer, he just offered his right hand to Dipper, silently asking Dipper to walk with him. Dipper hesitated for a moment, before accepting Bill's hand.

Bill walked and Dipper followed him slowly, still holding each other hand. Dipper noticed that Bill, again, take him to part of the forest that he didn't dare to enter alone.

"Where are we going?" Dipper asked, Bill only sighed quietly. His Pine Tree is full of questions today.

"Somewhere you will like," Bill answered shortly, not giving too many details but enough information to make Dipper curious. Dipper stayed silent for the rest of their walk, silently remembering the way to this place he 'will like'. Too busy with his own head, he didn't notice when Bill stopped. Crashing into Bill's chest as if it was the most normal things in the world.

"Now, now, Pine Tree, I know that I'm amazing, but please, you don't have to hug me suddenly. You can always ask you know, I'll be happy to hug you," teased Bill while laughing. Dipper didn't reply, just pulled his hat to cover his face. Bill laughed again seeing Dipper reaction. "Okay, we are here, Pine Tree," Bill said pulling Dipper hand.

Dipper lifted his face a little and he saw the Mystery Shacks, but it was empty. No one was there. There was a lot of cars and buses in the parking lot but no tourist on sight. Bill pulled Dipper hand again, they are walking to the Mystery Shacks.

"Why are we here?" Dipper asked when they entered the gift shop.

"Because I know you like this place the most, Pine Tree," Bill said without looking to Dipper. Bill guide Dipper to Dipper's (and now, Bill's) room. The room was still clean, no mess at all. Dipper wonder, was this room still clean because they are still in Mindscape or it is because he wanted his room to be clean?

Bill pulled Dipper hand again, taking Dipper back from his head. They sat on the bed, Dipper without warning let his body fall to the bed. Having no idea that he already miss his bed. Bill smile when he saw how relaxed Dipper expression is. Dipper closed his eyes for a moment when he finally felt tired.

Bill lay his body next to Dipper, Dipper opened one of his eyes and he saw the smiling face of Bill in front of him. He can feel the blood rush to his face again, Dipper never noticed that Bill can have that kind of gentle face. The only face he remembered was the angry and full of ambition Bill, he never sees this kind of gentle smiling Bill.

Bill put one of his hand in the top of Dipper head. Taking off the hat and throwing it off somewhere, then he softly patted this Dipper head, caressing Dipper hair gently. Dipper was trying his best to stay awake but he can't. He felt so tired and Bill caressing him gently is only helping him sleep.

"Go to sleep, Pine Tree," Bill whispered softly. "I'll be here, I'm going to keep you safe. So go to sleep."

"Will you be here when I wake up?" Dipper asked softly, his voice is barely a whisper. Closing his eyes slowly.

"I'll always be here for you, Pine Tree," Bill answered, Dipper can feel a movement and the last thing he knew was there's something soft touching his forehead.


The sun almost set when Dipper opened his eyes again, they are still on their way to California. Mabel was typing something on her phone, probably to her friends or something. Dipper move a little, finally feeling that his body was stiff after staying in one position for so long.

"Do you have a nice dream, bro-bro?" Mabel asked.

"Sort of," Dipper answered, remembering his time with Bill in the Mindscape. He didn't know if it's really in the Mindscape or really just a dream, but he hoped that it is real.

"Yeah, I notice. You have this smile when you are sleeping. It's been awhile since the last time I saw that kind of smile when you are sleeping," Mabel said. "What kind of dream is it?"

"I don't remember much about it," Dipper lied, he totally can't tell his twin sister about his dream...or maybe not really a dream.

"Okay, I will know it, one way or another," Mabel said easily then continue typing something to her phone.

Meanwhile, back in Gravity Falls Bill was wondering what happen to him, why did he do all of that for Pine Tree? Caressing Pine Tree hair, kissing Pine Tree forehead, watching Pine Tree sleep to keep him away from all the nightmares. He doesn't understand himself anymore.

But Bill knew one thing for sure, he missed his Pine Tree.

Since when did he use 'his' or 'my' when he is talking about Pine Tree, he has to research about it later. He really doesn't understand human.

(2-9-12-12 19-12-5-5-16-19 15-14 4-9-16-16-5-18'19 2-5-4 20-15 19-13-5-12-12 8-9-19 19-3-5-14-20)

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