Chapter 4: Grunkles

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"Kids, can you help- who the hell is this?" Grunkle Stan suddenly stepped into Dipper's room. The twins suddenly went stiffed, especially Dipper. He needs to lie fast to his Grunkle, but before he can lie Bill already step forward.

"Hello, my name is William Phirec." Bill introduce himself to Stan. Offering his hand and a smile on his face. "Please call me William."

Stan looked suspiciously at William's face and then down to his hand, but he just gave him a nod. Ignoring William, he looked back at the twins and ask them, "Can one of you help the store?"

Mabel nodded, Stan, seeing Mabel nod, left Dipper room without saying anything else. Bill turned his body.

"Your Grunkle is very rude," he said. "He didn't accept my hand. I was just trying to be nice to him."

"What do you expect from Grunkle Stan?" shrugged Mabel and then she looked into Dipper eyes. Twins telepathy. Mabel looked kinda unsure, but Dipper nodded his head and Mabel walked to the door. She went downstairs to helped the store.

After Mabel left, Bill sat again beside Dipper on the sofa. The silence is heavy, Dipper wanted to ask something to Bill, but he's not so sure about what to ask. When Dipper finally wanted to ask something, his bedroom door swung opened again for the third time, before he can open his mouth. This time, it's Grunkle Ford.

"Dipper! I heard from Stan that you have someone over that he didn't kn- oh, he's still here." Ford said, finally seeing Bill beside Dipper. "Sorry, but who are you?" Ford asked Bill.

"William Phirec, please call me William." Bill answer easily, not offering his hand this time. Ford observed Bill from head to toe and then he nodded his head.

"Ford, the twins' Grunkle," Ford said, introducing himself shortly. "Can I borrow Dipper for awhile? Thank you." Before Bill answered with a nod, Ford already pulled Dipper. He pulled Dipper away from his room, didn't forget to close his door and then down to Ford's bedroom. Ford bedroom was messy, books and research papers scattered everywhere.

Ford let go of Dipper hand when they are already inside. Closing his bedroom door, and also didn't forget to lock it. Ford sat on his bed while Dipper stood in front of him.

"Is he really a human?" Asked Ford with his doubtful tone. Dipper nodded his head. "Are you sure? Is he one of Mabel summer boyfriend?" Ford asked again, Dipper nodded the second time and then shook his head. Ford looked at Dipper as if searching for his lie.

Dipper noticed that Ford was searching for a lie beneath his eyes. Quickly, Dipper explained to his Grunkle, "I mean, yes, I'm sure he is human, Grunkle Ford, and no, he is not one of Mabel summer boyfriend." Ford's face shows that he still don't believe it, but he nod his head.

"I'll trust you in this one, Dipper," Ford said finally, putting his six handed fingers on Dipper shoulders. "But remember, don't trust anyone on Gravity Falls and please don't get into any trouble."

"I promise, Grunkle Ford," Dipper said, crossing his finger behind his back.

"You can go back to your... friend," Ford said, dismissing Dipper. Dipper nodded and left without saying anything. He felt bad for lying to his Grunkle, but he had no choice. Dipper knew that sooner or later, Ford will know what he's been hiding, but for now, he tried not to think about it.

Dipper walked back to his room, Bill still sat on his sofa. Looking outside through the triangle shaped window.

"You're finally back, Pine Tree. That didn't take too long." Bill said without turning his head, Dipper only nod, again.

"You still gonna stay here?" Dipper asked after a moment, Bill nodded his head before turning his head.

"Of course, the deal is still working, Pine Tree," Bill answered easily.

"How am I gonna tell my Grunkles about you staying here?" Dipper asked again.

"I don't know, that's your business. Not mine," said Bill. Dipper walked to his bed and buried his face in his pillow.

"Where are you gonna sleep? What about food? Oh my God, this is so hard." Dipper mumbled to himself.

"Ughh, please, don't mention God in front of me," said Bill, ignoring everything Dipper said except the God part. They stay silent for a while before Dipper finally get up from his bed.

"I'm going to help Mabel in the store. Do you want to come along?" Dipper asked and then left without looking back. Bill followed Dipper to the store.

The store is full of people, mostly tourist. Wendy is on the cash register as always, Mabel help restocking and answering customers question, Soos is nowhere to see. Their Grunkle is probably leading a tour in the museum.

Easily, Dipper helped Mabel restocking stuff. Bill only look at them weirdly. Human is so weird. Buying things that are totally fake without asking. It's also expensive.

Bill don't understand much but he tried to help. Copying what Dipper is doing, just restocking. Mabel answering and recommending things to customers.

They didn't notice much, but times went by pretty fast. It's finally time to close the shop. Wendy and Soos went home while Dipper and Mabel went upstairs to Dipper's room.

"Having a human body feels so weird. Why am I so tired? And why am I so sticky and sweaty?" Bill asked, laying on the sofa. Dipper and Mabel sat side by side in the bed.

"It usually happens when you work," Mabel answered, ignoring Bill groan.

"Being a human really sucks." complained Bill, while he continued to groan again.

"Hey, it almost time for dinner, let's go downstairs," Dipper said, the three of them went downstairs after that. They went to the kitchen, where Ford is already preparing their dinner on plates.

"Your friend gonna eat dinner here?" Ford asked. Mabel and Dipper nodded their head. Ford only nod back without questioning anymore.

"Actually, William is going to stay here for awhile," Mabel said, surprising everyone in the kitchen. Including Bill.




A/N: Since today is Dipper and Mabel's Birthday, we publish a new chapter earlier. Happy Birthday to Dipper and Mabel^^

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