Chapter 16 : Running Away

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It was still so early in the morning, even the sun haven't come up yet. Everyone was still wondering in their dreams, except for Dipper Pines who was still wide awake. He couldn't sleep at all, the fact that he missed Bill made him go insane. Every time he closed his eyes, Bill's charming human face kept emerging inside his mind.

He shook his head again, again and again, every time his mind kept trying pictured Bill's appearance. Is it normal to miss a dorito shaped demon? Dipper asked himself. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to think straight. He tried to relax his mind and tried his best not to let his mind thought anything about Bill. Finally, after a quick deep thinking, Dipper came up with an idea. They need to run away and get back to Gravity Falls.

Dipper started to pack his things. He probably gonna ask Mabel later to come with him, he got this feeling that Mabel will say yes. 

He didn't have to do much since he didn't unpack yet almost all of his things was still in his bag. He left his bag on the wooden floor of his room and started to walk slowly to Mabel's room across his.

Dipper opened the door that had a sign full of pink glitter and stickers with a bright pink letter written 'Mabel's room' on it. The room was lighted by the moonlight, Dipper can see his sister sleeping tightly on her bed in the middle of her room. He didn't want to bother his sister peaceful sleep but he needs his sister to come with him.

Gently Dipper shook Mabel's arm. Mabel slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and rubbed her eyes to regain her consciousness. She realized Dipper presence beside her. "What do you want Dipper? Can't you wait until morning?" asked Mabel still half awake.

"Mabel, will you run away and go back to Gravity Falls with me?" Dipper asked eagerly.

The word run away made Mabel fully awake. "Are you serious about this?" she asked.

"Absolutely 100%," Dipper answered followed by a nod.

"But Dipper, we can't just leave mom and dad. They will be worried and we will get in trouble," Mabel hesitated.

"So let them be worried. Don't they know how disappointed we are?" Dipper began to raise his voice. "They lied to us. They ruin our happiness. They tried to keep us away from our Grunkles. Why do they ask us to went back home rather than visited us there?" Dipper took a deep breath. Shouting sure took a lot of his energy.

"Calm down Dipper. You're going to wake mom and dad." Mabel tried to calm her twin brother who looked so desperate to go back. "Well, maybe they were too busy with their job so they didn't have the time to visit us." Mabel shrugged.

Dipper rolled his eyes, "Even Grunkle Stan willing to close the shop just to visit us here last year."

Mabel didn't reply anything. She didn't know what to say to her brother. Instead, she just hugged her knees and stared blankly at her bed sheet.

"Look, Mabel," Dipper broke the silence. "In the next couple of hours, I'm going to take a bus back to Gravity Falls, with or without you. So are you coming with me or not?" he asked his twin sister one last time.

Mabel looked at Dipper's eyes for a moment. His eyes full of fury and expectation. She didn't want to make their parents worried and she didn't have the heart to run away, but she can't leave Dipper all alone. Finally, Mabel took another deep breath. "Fine, I'll go."

"Good. Now start packing your stuff again and meet me in the kitchen by 6 o'clock. We're going out from the back door. Got it?" Dipper insisted. Mabel just gave him a simple nod.

"Well, see you in 6." Dipper walked back to his room leaving Mabel with Waddles in her room. She took another deep breath and looked at Waddles who was sleeping at the corner of her room. "Oh, Waddles what am I going to do with Dipper?"

She got up from her bed and started to pack her things again. Just like Dipper, Mabel hadn't much stuff to pack. She just inserted a couple of sweaters inside her luggage and when she was done, she looked at the alarm clock beside her bed. It's 3.16 am. She got about one and a half hour left to continue her sleep. Mabel climbed into her bed, covered herself with a blanket and closed her eyes, hoping that her twin brother can calm down by morning.


It's 5.56 am, Dipper was already in the kitchen with his luggage pack neatly beside him. Two minutes later, Mabel showed up with her large pink luggage and Waddles in her arm. Before going outside, Dipper left a note on the kitchen table. 

The sky was still dark and the air was a bit cold for a summer season. The twins walked for half and hour to the bus station. They haven't spoken to each other along the way. The sound of the birds and their footsteps keep them accompany.

When they arrived at the bus station, the sky was already turned into a vivid blue color. They purchased two tickets at the counter and sat on the bench. Their bus will arrive at 8 am, that means they had to wait for half an hour.

There was a 24 hours mini market next to the station. Mabel grabbed her wallet and walked to the store to buy some sandwiches, snacks, and water for their journey to Gravity Falls. Done paying all of the stuff, she walked back to the bus station and hand out a sandwich to Dipper who was seating half-asleep on the bench. He opened the plastic wrapper that covers the sandwich and started to eat it. Mabel also opened up two sandwiches and gave it to Waddles.


The bus arrived on time. Not much people getting inside the bus. The twins carried their luggage and sat on the back seat. After waiting about 15 minutes, the bus door closed and it started to move. Dipper was already asleep even before the bus started moving.

After a long deep sleep, Dipper finally woke up. He looked at the digital clock on the front of the bus, it was already 1 pm. He slept for almost 5 hours and he can feel his tongue was dry and his stomach was already rumbling. Before he could get up to grab another sandwich from Mabel's bag, Mabel already handed out the sandwich and a bottle of water. "I know you will be hungry and thirsty," she said with a smile.

Dipper gave his twin sister a little smile. "Thanks." He grabbed the sandwich and the water. He opened the bottle cap and started to drink, while his other hand tried to open up the plastic wrapper again.

Mabel just looked at Dipper who was enjoying the sandwich. She wanted to ask him the reason why does her twin brother wanted to go back so badly. She knows that Dipper was so disappointed by their parents' action, and how much he loves Gravity Falls but why does he want to go back really really bad? What's his main reason? She was just about to opened her mouth to asked Dipper, but before any word can be spoken by her, the bus crashed. All of her visions turned bloody red all of a sudden.



A/N: First of all we want to deeply apologize for our lack of update. Last Monday we just got home from our school trip. Our phone had been collected and made us disconnected from the outside world. We had just suffered a boring week in our school retreat. After we got home, the next day we still got a lot of assignment to do and it made us didn't have the time to continue the story.

Second, we also want to say thank for all of you who read our story. When we got our phone back me and friend here, surprised that our views already reached to 2k. It was an extraordinary achievement to us. We didn't have any thought that a lot of people would read our story. We will try our best to improve the quality of our story.

Third, we know that this chapter is sort of crappy because we had just written it a couple hours ago and we don't have enough time to think for another further change to improve our story.

Last, we just want to say that maybe we won't be posting on a schedule like we use to before. Maybe we will post just once or twice a week, but we will try our best to keep posting three chapters every week.

Thank you for all the views, votes, and comments. We really love all of you guys. We hope you can understand our position as a student in their final year.

When Abnormal Becomes The Norm (Bill Cipher X Dipper Pines)Where stories live. Discover now