Chapter 17: The Crash

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A thick smell of smoke made her return to reality. Agony and heat crawled on Mabel's skin, blood flowing from her forehead. She was surrounded by fire. It only took a second before she noticed and quickly used her sweater to cover up her nose. She slowly opened her eyes, her vision was still blurry, her skin was half burned. By the time she regained her vision, Mabel saw her twin brother lying not far from her.

A strong smell of burning flesh. A pool of blood. A wall of fire. It was a catastrophic view inside. People were dead, lying unconsciously. Kids and adults just laying there, not moving at all nor breathing. The crash was so intense.

Mabel crawled slowly towards Dipper. His body was lying unconsciously, but Mabel can still feel a soft air coming from his nose. She shook his body, "Dipper! Wake up!" she shouted in panic. But his body still didn't make any movement at all.

"Dipper please wake up! Please!" Mabel shook her twin brother harder. But still no response from him.

"Dipper, please! Please, Dipper I need you to wake up!" Mabel began to sob.

"Dipper..." Tears began to run down from her cheek. "Please don't leave me..." Mabel shook him one last time before tears started to burst out.

The fire started to get bigger. Mabel didn't have much time left before they all get burned alive. Quickly without grabbing anything else, she started to pull Dipper's hand and began to drag him towards a window near her.

She will need something to break it but there's nothing strong enough. The emergency glass breaker was too far to reach. There was no other way to break the glass, so she started to hit the window glass with her elbow. After some attempts, the glass just had a small crack in the edge. Mabel was already giving up. "We're going to die here," she started to sob again. "If only there's a hammer or any sorcery magic that can break this stupid window," she complained to herself. 

But suddenly she remembered something, "Wait, magic! I have magic powers!" Her eyes started to widen. She wiped her tears away and began to concentrate. "Come on Mabel remembered what Bill taught you. Concentrate."

Mabel closed her eyes tightly and tried to remember all the lesson that Bill had given to her. She began to cast a spell. In a second the glass started to break. Quickly, she grabbed Dipper again and drag his body outside.

Although Dipper has a small and skinny body for a teenage boy at his age, she was struggling enough just to drag his body outside.

After a long struggle, finally, she made it outside, but she didn't stop. Mabel kept dragging her brother as far as possible from the burning bus, in case it explode. She put down her sweater that covered her nose to let some clean air in.

About 65 feet away from the bus, Mabel remembered something important. Something that she will never forget. Something that is so precious to her. Something that took a lot of effort just to have it. Something that always be her best friend. She forgot to take Waddles with her.

She left Dipper body on the side of the road and ran as fast as she could back to the bus crash. "Why am I so stupid? How can I forget about Waddles?" she said to herself half crying. She almost reached the bus, but without any warning, the bus exploded. 

Mabel fell to the ground as she watched fire devoured the bus. Her face was full of shock and fear. She can't believe what she had seen. Scrambled burned body parts were everywhere on the streets. Waddles can be anywhere around those body parts. 

Dozens of people had died in the explosion and her most precious thing in the world have gone in a blink of an eye. She didn't dare to find her pig's body. She's already been broken just by knowing that Waddles was gone, it was better for her to not see him.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Mabel cried. "Why?! Why?! Why??!!" She started to pulling out her hair and cried like she never cried before. "Why must Waddles?! Just why?!" She cried aloud asking questions that nobody knows the answer.

"This is my fault," she said half sobbing, "if only I didn't forget about Waddles and take him with me in the first place, he should be alive now, not roasted to dead." Mabel just kept blaming herself over and over again. She kept shouting and shouting to the orange sky as the sun goes down.

But finally, she stopped. Her breath was heavy. Her eyes can't produce any more tears. She just lay on there and took a deep breath. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. She tried to stabilize her breathing. And now everything seems so quiet. She closed her eyes to escape from reality for a moment. Letting her brain played all the happy and unforgettable memories about Waddles. 

The day she got Waddles. The time she knitted some sweaters to Waddles. The time Grunkle Stan saved Waddles from a pterodactyl. The time they ate pizza together. The time they went trick or treating together and dressed him in cute and silly costume. Whenever she was sad and wanted to be alone, Waddles was there. Although he just stood there and do nothing Mabel will feel a lot better because she felt Waddles was her vitamin. Her source of fun and happiness. But now it's all gone in just one day. One shitty day that ruined everything.

But she knew that happy moments won't last forever. There is always the time when that all the happy moment will be gone. Moments will turn to memories. Memories are meant to be remembered, especially a memory about something that is so valuable and unreplaceable.

Waddles was a life changer for Mabel. Sure it was sad to lost something that meant so much to her, but hitting rock bottom doesn't mean that everything is over, all you need to do is going up. And the one thing she needed to do right now was moving on, and go back to her twin brother.

The images of Waddles in her mind slowly faded away. The moment she opened her eyes, she was already back in reality. The sky was already dark. Fire still burning on the bus wreckage. Mabel stood up and looked gently at the wreckage. "I'm going to Dipper now Waddles. Thank you for the moments that we shared together on the past few years. You will always be my Waddles and there is no other pig that can replace my Waddles." Tears began to run down to her cheek again. "Remember that you will always be my best friend." Slowly Mabel began turned around and walked ahead back to the place where she left her twin brother all alone.

(23-1-4-4-12-5-19 23-9-12-12 2-5 1-12-23-1-25-19 2-5-19-9-4-5 13-1-2-12-5)


A/N: Hey Good News: We're Not Dead Yet! We're back and giving you a Christmas special update. I know you all have been wondering where have we been or what we had been doing lately until we didn't update for 2 months long, believe me, we had been through hell on this couple of months. 

Sorry that we didn't update for a long hell of time, but because we're on a Christmas and New Year holiday, we can keep up the story up to date on time. 

Thank you for your patience, and sorry that we postpone the story for a long time.

We hope you all have a great Christmas this year. Merry Christmas from both of us.

When Abnormal Becomes The Norm (Bill Cipher X Dipper Pines)Where stories live. Discover now