Chapter 3 : Blonde Hair

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"What do you mean a human body?" Dipper asked Bill, confusion, and shock became one.

"I want a human body, Pine Tree," Bill answer almost like he's only repeating his previous answer.

"Why?" Dipper asked. He didn't understand. Bill didn't understand how to be human, why would he want a human body? He can't go back to Mindscape with a human body... right?

"If you want me to teach you how to do magic, I need a human body, Pine Tree. No more question, I get a human body and you get me as your teacher." Bill explain. The twins sure are full of question, especially his little Pine Tree. "Deal?"

Dipper hesitated and then he looked at Mabel. Mabel shook her head, but her eyes can't lie. She wanted to do it, she wanted to study how to be a wizard, but there's one more question. How to get a human body for Bill?

"But how can we get you a human body without getting involved with the cops?" asked Dipper.

"Kill someone, anyone," Bill said easily.

The twins were shocked by Bill's answer. Killing someone in the return of learning magic, is it worth it? Of course, they wanted to learn how to use and control their power, but killing someone just for their willingness will be selfish.

Dipper looked at her sister, signing her, hoping she would know what to do. Mabel noticed her brother was looking at him and waiting for a conclusion. She gave Dipper a face full of fear and doubtful look. Dipper realized a huge no answer from Mabel's face, well he can't argue with that. After all killing people is an unforgivable thing to do.

He was about to denied Bill's deal, but suddenly Bill starting to laugh at them. "You should have seen both of your faces, it's hilarious. You both are adorable, using your twin telepathy, asking each other what to do." Bill continued to laugh.

Dipper was starting to get irritated by Bill's laugh. He clenched both his hand and shout clearly at Bill, "NO!"

"Wait, what?" Bill finally stop laughing.

"We won't make anymore deal with you, Bill! We won't kill an innocent people just to learn some stupid magic tricks!" Dipper said, half-shouting.

"Yeah, we wanted to learn magic but we're not going to kill anyone, especially for you," Mabel added.

"Woah, chill kid. I'm just joking around, jeez," said Bill tried to abate their tone that was full in anger.

Mabel face changed from anger to confusion. "Wait, so you're telling us that we don't need to kill anyone?"

"Yep," Bill answered shortly.

"So there's another way?" Dipper started to ask.

"Yes, if you accept the deal then I'm going to tell you how," Bill said, offering his hand again to Dipper. Dipper still hesitated for a moment.

"I'm only giving you a human body, nothing less and nothing more," Dipper said before reaching for Bill's hand. Dipper can see Bill nod before the warm feeling hits him again, sealing the deal between them.

"Now, this is your first lesson. Making me a human body." Bill said easily, floating to the middle of the room.

"Making a human body?" Mabel asked, Bill only nod again as an answer.

"Go search some chalk and a few candles, but a few I mean 9 candles," Bill said, the twins only nod before doing what Bill said. Mabel went to her room, remembering she brought some chalk from their home, back in California while Dipper went to the storage room to search for the candles.

They went back to Dipper rooms a few minutes later, bringing the items they need for making a human body for Bill.

"Now, draw the thing I told you," Bill said, Mabel, being the artist between the twins draw things that Bill said without asking. It looks like a magic circle after it's done. Bill asked them to put the candles on the circle.

"Who is better in Latin between both of you?" Bill asked, now floating in the middle of the circle. Mabel and Dipper look at each other and then Mabel pointed her finger at Dipper. Maybe studying Latin in his free time is finally useful, Dipper thought.

"Okay then, Pine Tree. Repeat the everything I said." Bill ordered. Dipper nod his head and then Bill start to speak in Latin that sounds like a magic spell while Dipper repeated everything Bill said.

The magic circle started to glow. Before Dipper finish repeating everything Bill said, the magic circle shine so bright, the twins closed their eyes but Dipper kept talking, finishing his spell.

After a while, the light finally disappeared. Dipper opened his eyes, there's no floating triangle Bill in the middle of the circle. There's only a guy, taller than Dipper, Dipper can't see his face clearly but Dipper can see that the guy have blonde hair. The guy is wearing a yellow three-piece suit with a black tie.

"Woah!" Dipper can hear Mabel voice. "Is that you, Bill?" Mabel asked.

"Yes, it's me, Shooting Star." The guy, Bill, answered. Bill step forward so that Dipper can see him clearly. Now, Dipper can finally see Bill face. One thing that Dipper can say about it is handsome. "Why are you staring? Am I that handsome, Pine Tree?" Bill asked. Anyone can see his arrogance and Dipper regret even thinking that Bill's face is handsome.

Before Dipper or Mabel can say anything, for the second time, Dipper bedroom door open loudly. The three of them can hear Stan voice clearly, "Kids, can you help- who the hell is this?"


When Abnormal Becomes The Norm (Bill Cipher X Dipper Pines)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon