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This isn't a chapter butttt....

I've been tagged in this by the one and only Burraku-Chan (you poop head!!) so I thought what the hell!!!

1) My Nickname
I don't really have one, I just get called Shan, Shannon or inappropriate things like "di** head" etc... Yes I know my friends are weird 😂

2) My eye colour
Very dark brown 💩

3) My hair colour
Naturally it's also dark brown but I get blonde and ginger sprouting from my head too... I've bleached the bottom so that I have dark brown hair with ash blonde ombré 👸🏾

4) One fact about me
Hmmmmm this is a hard one because I have a pretty boring life....
when I like something I have to like it at 150%... For instance, if there's a new anime that I like, I watch it every single day until I finish it (which is usually about a couple of days)... Kinda obsessive I know haha!

5) Favourite colour
Omg I hate this question because I can never answer...
Let's just say I love every colour apart from yellow and green!

6) favourite place
It has to be Orlando Florida! I've visited there twice in my life and every time I absolutely adored it! Obviously I was going for the attractions like Disney world etc but you always end up talking to the workers and just regular people there and they are soooo lovely! Plus I swam with a dolphin there and kissed it so why wouldn't it be my favourite place haha!!

7) favourite celebrity
Omg another toughy...
It has to be either Jensen Ackles because urgh have you saw his body and face??? (Plus he's actually really cute in person we had a whole moment where I freaked out because he was in front of me and he grabbed my arm, pulled me in and gave me a hug... Yep I think I died and went to heaven for a couple of minutes haha)
Jared Leto, because he stole my heart in the new suicide squad
Melissa McCarthy because I love all of her movies, I think she's so funny and beautiful!

8) favourite animal
Sorry guys but I don't have one, I absolute LOVE all animals! I just want to hug each and every one of them until they love me back and want to live with me...

9) favourite song
At the minute it's probably
The chainsmokers ft. Halsey - closer

10) favourite book
Hmmmm it's probably's either Alice in wonderland orrr the secret garden... Both classics, they'll never grow old!

Well now you know a little bit about me I'm going to nominate some people, just at random may I add!

I nominate .... "Drum roll please"



Shannon ✌🏾️

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