Chapter 10 Foxs Job

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Fox: "I don't want you to be killed!"

Panda(C): "W-what?! Why will I be killed?!"

Fox: "I can't say! Please just forget about it!"

Panda(C): "Why?! Why don't you fucking trust me?! Me! I'm your bloody girlfriend for god sake! And you can't trust me?!" *She shouts her eyes filled with anger and hate*

Fox: "Hear yourself, of course I trust you. I have no reason not to trust you. I just don't want you getting hurt."

Panda(C): "Well I'm not staying here!"

Fox: "It's for your protection!"

Panda(C): "I have sword for fuck sake! I can protect myself!"

Fox: *He walks over to Panda and pulls her into a loving embrace* "I know you can protect yourself it's just that the people I work with are .... Umm .... Special."

Panda(C): "What do you mean by special Foxy?" *She looks up at Fox* "Foxy, please, tell me."

Fox: *He sighs pulling Panda off the bed making her stand up, walks over to his wardrobe and takes out another suit*

Panda(C): "Babe, I'm sorry for shouting." *She says frowning and looking at the floor* "Please don't hate me..."

Fox: *Hangs the suit on the wardrobe door, walks over to Panda and pulls her into a loving, comforting embrace* "Don't be sorry hun. And don't be to silly I could never hate you. I can't stay mad at you for long if at all. I love you so much Panda. Nothing can change that fact."

Panda(C): "Thanks Foxy. I couldn't hate you either." *She says hugging him tightly* "I love you so much too." *She smiles*

Fox: "Right, you might want to get dressed in that suit just in case." *He said whilst pointing at the suit hung on the wardrobe door*

Panda(C): "You what? I can go with you?"

Fox: "Yes. Now hurry up I can't be too late. I'll go get everything else I need whilst you get dressed." *He said giving Panda a kiss on the cheek and walking out of the room to get everything ready.*

Panda(C): "Okay." *She whispered to herself watching Fox leave the room. She gets dressed into the suit provided for her and picks up her sword checking if the blade is still sharp* "Yeah that'll do." *She stated putting the sword back in it's sheath and tying it around her waist. She slowly walks out of the room to see Fox running around the living room* "Foxy?"

Fox: *He suddenly stops at the sound of someone saying his name and darts his eyes to where the voice was coming from* "Yes?"

Panda(C): "What are you doing?"

Fox: "I'm getting everything I need." *Grabs a gun off the shelf beside the door and puts it in the gun holster that's in his suit* "Right. Come on let's go."

Panda(C): "Do you want me to drive seeing as though you can't?" *She asked*

Fox: "No, no, I don't drive to work. Grabs my arm." *He said holding out his arm*

Panda(C): "Okay?" *She walks up to Fox and grabs a hold of his arm*

Fox: *He types a code into his watch and they teleport to Fox's place of work*

[Panda got up and looked around only to see different rooms and offices. She beings to feel sick as that was her first time teleporting by watch. Panda hears screams of pain coming from one of the weird unknown rooms and is terrified.]

Panda(C): "Foxy? What the hell is this place?"

Fox: "It's just my place of work hun. Ignore the screams they are normal."

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