Part 18

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*Katies POV* 

Today was the day we were spending with the gorgeous Maya, she was so sweet and Nathan had bonded with her nicely. It was nice having more girl company too! Siva and I were down at breakfast when a middle aged bloke walked up to us with a smile on his face. 

"Excuse me, could I have an autograph for my daughter?" he asked Siva, he had an unusual accent. 

"Sure, does she want a picture too?"

"If you wouldn't mind? That would be great" he smiled slightly. Siva got up, leaving me with the other girls. The other boys when too, pleasing fans as always. After about 5 minutes, they came back whispering to each other. 

"What you all whispering about?" Tasha asked suspiciously. 

"Nothing" Max said guiltily. Tom whispered something to Jay and Jay nodded. I think Ella heard. 

"They thought she was fit" Ella said, rolling her eyes.

"Typical" Sophie laughed before giving Jay the evils.

"Changing the subject before it gets really awkward" Nathan said.

"I can't wait for today!" Rebecca squealed. We all agreed and Nathan felt a light poke on his back. He turned around and Maya was standing there with a sweet smile on his face. 

"Look which cheeky monkey it is!" He said, acting surprised whilst tickling Maya's tummy making her frantically giggle.

I looked at Rebecca and she smiled proudly. 

"Come here Maya" Sophie smiled putting her arms out at Maya's level for her to give her a cuddle. Of course, she did. 

"I want one too" I signaled for her to come over. I gave her a hug and then Rebecca placed her on her knee, gently bouncing her legs up and down, making Maya giggle. Tom and Nathan were sat either side of Rebecca and Maya, both making funny faces at the giggling little girl.

"Where’s mummy and daddy?" Jay asked.

"Over there!" she waved. 

"Look, we're going to get ready, go and see mummy and we will come and get you soon, deal?" Tom asked, moving her hair away from in front of her eyes. She gave us all hugs in turn and skipped back to her parents. 

"She skips like you do when you're excited Rebecca!" Sophie pointed out making Rebecca smile.

"You skip?" Nathan teased. 

"Yes, I skip when I'm excited" she pretended to skip all the way over to the lift. We caught up with her and all gathered in the lift. 

"Wish this lift would hurry up" Max said impatiently. 

"Calm down mate, we'll get to see her in a while" came Seev. 

"I know, I just don't want to keep her waiting" We all went back to our rooms and got our sun cream, bikinis and beachwear on. I tied my hair up into a tidy pony tail and headed to Nathan and Rebecca's room. I stood in the doorway, waiting for Rebecca to finish doing her hair whilst I was talking to Nathan. 

"You ready for the waterslides Nathan?" 

"Born ready!" He laughed. Everyone met outside Tom and Ella's room and we headed down to reception. We waited for a few minutes and then Maya came running towards us. Max picked her up and spun her around making her laugh. Her mum gave us all her stuff and we headed up to the pool.

"Race you!" Tom said to little Maya and they both sped off. Of course he let Maya win. We all chose some sun beds, Maya's little barbie towel spread out on her sun bed. She was wearing a little pink polka dot swimming costume. She had short blonde hair tied into cute pig-tail plaits. All us girls were lying on the sun beds, trying to catch a bit of sun while the boys were playing in the pool. Tom had obviously brought his rubber ring and he was spinning Maya around in that. All you could hear was Maya giggling, it was so sweet. 

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