Part 20(c)

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*Sophies POV*

I woke up the next morning in a happy mood. Jay had booked us into the local B&B for each night we were in Nottingham because of what happened yesterday with Sean. I still couldn’t believe what happened and Jay was still fuming but I wanted to make sure Jay had a good time in Nottingham before they went back to work. 

“Morning” I sung to Jay which made him smile, his eyes still shut. 

"Do we have to wake up?" He said, taking my hand and pulling me on top of him.

"Yes, we need to make a-mends with your family!" I giggled lightly. 

"I don't want to make up with Sean" He frowned. 

"You need to, he's your brother. If I can forgive him, so can you" I smiled. I could forgive Sean, he was only a kid. Probably going through puberty with a lot of messed up thoughts rolling round his head.

"Fine" Jay groaned, stretching and getting up from the bed beneath him.

We got ready and headed downstairs for breakfast. The B&B was very posh and old fashioned so we didn't really fit in but the food was gorgeous. You could choose from cereal or a full cooked breakfast, it was just like St Lucia

"What are you having?" Sophie asked me politely. 

"Fry up" I grinned. I got up and got our food. We sat back down at the table and began to tuck in. When we were both ready, we headed to my Mum and Dad's. They were so happy to see us when we arrived.

"We didn't think you'd be coming back!" Jay's mum sighed.

"Where is he?" Jay said bluntly. 

"In the garden I think, don't hurt him Jay"

"Oh I won't" He replied convincingly. 

"No, Sophie, stay here" He smiled as I was following him. I nodded and plunked myself on the sofa. 

"They'll be fine" Jay's mum said reassuringly as she passed me a cuppa.

I thanked her and watched out the window. Sean was sat on the bench looking down the garden. When Jay sat down next to him, he looked up, and was surprised who it was.

*Seans POV* 

I looked up and saw Jay standing there, he was the last person I thought I'd be seeing. 

"What do you want?" I asked, looking down at the ground. 

"I've come to sort things out. I over reacted, I shouldn't have pinned you up against that wall" 

"It's okay" We both stood there in silence for a few minutes until Jay broke the silence. 

"Haven't you got anything to be sorry for?" He laughed. 

"I know, I am deeply sorry for kissing Soph, I don't know what came over me"

"I forgive you. Just don't do it again. Ever" He smiled. 

*Katie's POV*

"Wake up babe" Siva said to me, gently shaking me. 

"I'm up" I groaned in my morning voice. 

"What we doing today then?" I asked excitedly.

"Do you want to go shopping? The centers are pretty big here" Siva explained. 

"Oh yes please!" you giggled. 

"You better get out of bed then!" We both got ready before we were called down to breakfast by Siva's mum. We sat around the big table were a wide variety of food was spread. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and listened to the conversations around me, concentrating a bit harder as always, trying to understand the accent.

“So, what are you two up to today?” Siva’s mum asked politely. 

“We’re going shopping” I smiled.

Siva's mum was so nice. Very accepting of me. As were his siblings. "Have fun" She smiled. "Thank you" I smiled back. We finished our breakfast and headed out to the irish shops. We sat and had a pint of Guinness and brought some souvenirs. We were sat in one of the big pubs on the high street minding our own business, when a loud screeching noise could be heard from outside. Siva's eyes widened as did mine. 

"What was that?" I mimed. 

"It'll just be nothing" He faked a smile until screams could be heard from outside. I shot him a look and we ran outside to see what was going on.

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