Part 24

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*Jay's POV* 

It had been a few week since we had arrived in America and we were having a blast! Doing gigs and interviews and touring most days. Today we were starting to film the video to 'Chasing The Sun'. We had chosen our models but we only wanted our girls. We missed them very much but Glad You Came was going really well over here so it was all worth it.

"Ready?" I said to the rest of the boys as we arrived at the lot that we were filming on. 

"More than ready" Siva smiled.

We stood around with the director for a while, listening to him explain what was going to happen for the duration of the day. We had already told the director a outline of what we wanted to happen, but he was putting all the ideas together. 

"Okay, your models should be arriving any minute now"

"We didn't want them girls" Nathan muttered, scuffing his feet on the ground.

"Whats that mate?" Director X said, genuinely not hearing him. 

"Don't matter" He fake smiled. He wasn't in a mood but he just said what we were all thinking. As the models piled in, they were all good-looking but we only had eyes for our girls. They all introduced themselves with their thick, American accents. My girl was called Julie, Nathan's was called Rosie, Tom's was called Tabatha, Max's was called Gabby and Siva's was called Madison.

"Hey" I said awkwardly as we were waiting for our scene. 

"Hi" I rolled my eyes and looked back at the shot. Nathan and Rosie seemed to be getting on well, Rosie was more flirty than Nathan. I just shook it off as we began filming. Halfway through filming the 'band shots', we got to have a tea break. We were all sat talking to our models, trying to get to know them a little bit, wouldn't hurt seeing as we would have to pretend we really liked them and kiss them a lot.

*Nathans POV*

Rosie seemed to be a lovely girl and she was good at her job too. She would always be listening to the director and we would only need to do one take of each shot with her in. She had long blonde hair and sweet blue eyes. She was very good with her acting too. She was really getting into her role. We had done the road shots in which we were walking down the road, with our hands all over the girls. We were now starting the club shots.

"Right, girls and boys, this is the plan. You each kiss your partner, then the girls bite your necks" We all smiled weakly and looked to the ground. 

"Max and Gabby, you're up first" Director X said whilst walking away. 

"Mate, could I not kiss Rosie, she's lovely but I don't think the fans would be happy, if you get what I mean?" I asked politely. 

"That's fine, Rosie, just get close to him, then go in for the bite”

Max finished filming with Gabby, he didn't care of course. Tasha wouldn't have cared anyway, she's not the jealous type as such. Tom and Tabatha were up next, he got in there, Ella would know it was just acting. No one could re-create what they've had. I only didn't want to kiss Rosie because of the fans. Rebecca wouldn't mind much, as long as it was just acting but that was the same with all the girls. They didn't care as long as it was a one off. Jay was up next, going in for a snog. Siva was second last, he didn't want to kiss Madison, out of respect for Katie. He only had eyes and lips for her.

"Nathan and Rosie, your turn" Some voice I didn't recognize shouted. We got into our positions and the music started blaring. I lip-synced my line and Rosie got so close, I could feel her breathe tickling my face. She went in for the bite and the shot was finished. A few people clapped and I smiled at Rosie before turning to walk away. I felt a hand grasp my wrist and Rosie pulled me back around. I was confused but before I could say anything her lips crashed onto mine. I pulled away. The camera's weren't rolling but people were taking pictures. I didn't recognize the people, I just hope that they weren't paparazzi. It would kill Rebecca and the other girls would probably kill me if they thought I had cheated. 

Take a chance, don't run away.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora