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*Rebeccas POV*

I couldn't believe what mum had just said. Her or the others. Some people may think the decision was going to be easy for me, but the thought of never seeing my mum again hurt. I looked at mum, looked at her pain in her eyes. 

"Don't do this" I whispered. 

"I have no choice"

"You'll have no one" 

"Don't leave me then baby" She cried.

"Please don't let me chose" I begged.

"I have to" She spoke so delicately with tears streaming down her face. She wasn't the same mum she used to be. She was almost crazy. Maybe Nan's death had had a huge effect on her. Maybe she needed help. But I knew one thing: I couldn't stay here. I felt like I was in prison here. I loved Nottingham but hated this area. 

"Them" I sobbed. I couldn't believe the word had come out my mouth but I was determined. 

"Get out" Mum whispered.

"I can go tomorrow afternoon, we can go shopping, make sure you're okay before I go"

"No Rebecca you chose them, so it's now my house and my house only, I decide who lives her, and I want you to get out now" Mum was getting angry, I had never seen like this before. 

"I'll be gone before you wake up in the morning" I cried.

"Good" She spat. Emma had left so I ran into the lounge, collected everything that was mine and then continued up to my bedroom. I emptied my piggy bank- £200 was in there. That would be enough to get me to London. I packed all of my stuff, everything. When my three cases of stuff was packed and my alarm was set, I collapsed into tears on my bed. I reached for my phone on my bedside table and looked at the wallpaper; a picture of me and Nathan, my favourite picture. The picture was blurry as my eyes were full of salty tears, but I wiped them away and stared at the picture. It was 3am now, and was 3 hours before my alarm went off for me to leave. I decided to ring Nathan, I just needed to hear his voice. I placed my phone against my ear and listened to the tone ring and ring and ring.

"Rebecca, it's 3am, are you okay?" Nathan asked in his croaky voice.

"I love you" I choked.

"I love too,now get some sleep"

"Okay" I quickly hung up and dived into bed. I'd surprise them when I got there. I soon fell into a deep sleep. I was startled by my alarm clock three hours later. 

My bags were all gathered by my door, but everything else in my room was gone, it felt empty and cold. I quickly made myself look presentable, changing into my nicest jeans and a tight t-shirt. I applied a bit of make-up and I thought I looked pretty all right. I called a taxi and told him the directions to London- the flat. After about 10 minutes of waiting and making sure I had everything packed, the taxi turned up. I helped put all my bags in then posted my key back through the letter box after removing it from my large bunch of keys. 

"Bye Mum" I whispered sadly, getting into the taxi.

I looked out the window and watched all my childhood memories pass; my local shop, park and first school, all gone. I sat on my phone looking at Nathan and I's previous conversations; the ones that made me laugh and ones that made me cry. As I didn't get much sleep last night: I dozed off for the whole journey after that. 

"Wake up darling, we're nearly there" The taxi driver called to me. 

"Thanks" I said as I became more awake. I began to recognise the area again. I was home and I felt so happy to be home.

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