Part 23

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*Sophies POV* 

The day that we had been dreading for days had arrived and none of us were in the best of moods. The house was near enough silent with everyone in their separate rooms, the boys packing for America.

"Where’s my fucking aftershave?" I heard Tom shout somewhere up the stairs. 

"I fucking hate this job sometimes" I heard Max shout from somewhere else. The boys were really annoyed.

'Boys, chill' I shouted. Jay and I were just cuddling on the bed, enjoying our last few hours together before Jay left. 

'I'm going to miss you so much' I whispered before kissing his cheek softly. 

'I know babe, but techbology is a wonderful thing! I'll text and Skype you as much as I can, and that's a promise!' Jay replied, making me smile. "I don't get why you can't just come with" He added. 

"We'd be distractions" I sighed. "The record label would probably be worried by having girlfriends there, you'd lose fans" I added too.

'I don't care, I just want you there' He sung in a sweet tune. 

'You muppet' I laughed, before playfully whacking his arm. 

'Well, that's a nice send off' He rolled his eyes. I kissed him and we snuggled back down in silence, him gently stroking my hair whilst I was drawing patterns with my finger gently on his chest. After about half an hour of just chilling and talking, the time finally came.

"I don't want to go" Tom said. 

"Don't have a tantrum, Thomas" Jay laughed. We were the only two couples down here, me and Jay, and Ella and Tom. No-one else was ready yet.

"Come on babe, you're going to do great over there, we're all really proud" Ella said warmly, pulling Tom into a tight hug. 

"I'm going to miss you so much" She whispered almost silently, a tear trickled down her cheek. 

"Don't cry sweetie" Tom sniffed. 

"God you two!" Nathan laughed as he struggled to walk down the stairs with his huge suitcase following behind him. We all laughed at how big the suitcase was. Everyone else followed behind.

"What we gonna do without you boys for two whole months?" Katie whimpered. 

"You can watch all our interviews" Max smiled. 

"What will these girls be like on the Chasing The Sun shoot?" Tasha winked. 

"They won't live up to you" Siva smiled to Katie, making her blush. 

"And on my birthday as well" Nath sulked.

"Guys, there's no point in sulking, this is going to happen whether we like it or not, we've just to get on with it. It's not like we won't hear from each other for two months, we'll get through it, we've just got to stay positive" Tom announced. Everyone bowed their heads because they knew Tom was right. We knew this was the boys' job, we knew there were going to be times we couldn't see them, but J suppose we just didn't want it to become reality.

"Best be off then" Max said. Tasha ran up and gave him a massive hug. He returned it and kissed her on the top of her head. 

"Come here" Tom smiled at Ella, signaling for her to give him a cuddle.

We all stood in our couples, just standing there in silence, I don't think there was a dry eye in the house, especially Rebecca and Nathan. Nathan was holding both her hands gently and was gazing into her eyes. They were so sweet together. Jay pulled me close as his lips crashed onto mine like there was no tomorrow until we were interrupted by the doorbell ringing, Kev to collect the boys and drive them to the airport. Us girls decided not to go to the airport just because of the fans, we didn't want them to see the boys upset. Jay quickly pecked my cheek and we all headed to the front of the house. Max wiped his tear away before opening the door to greet Kev.

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