Part 21

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*Sivas POV* 

We could hear screams from outside and Katie shot me a horrified look. She grabbed her coat from the back of her chair before we ran out the door. The views in front of us were shocking and there were crowds all around us, people were even taking photos on their phones.

"Are you okay?" Katie asked the girl, who was lying on the floor in the middle of the street. She didn't reply though. She was covered in blood. Must have been hit by a car. She looked so confused. I knelt down with Katie and helped stop the girl from worrying.

"Don't just stand there for god’s sake, someone call an ambulance!" Katie shouted, making the crowds drift away. 

"It's going to be okay" Katie said to the girl on the ground, knowing that the girl wouldn't reply. Katie looked at me, I don't think she knew what to do.

*Tom's POV*

"Come here Ella" My mum said, as we sat down at the table, ready to eat lunch. My mum was signaling for Ella to sit next to her. They had really hit it off. Bonding like a real mother and daughter. I loved it. Everything really was perfect.

"So, what are you two kids up to today?" My mum asked. 

"I don't know, probably just staying in with some films" Ella smiled sweetly. 

"I've got to go out for the day with my friends so I'll see you later" Mum smiled at us and caught a sight of herself in the mirror. 

"God, I look dreadful, I can't get my hair right!" She sighed, getting stressy. 

"Um, I can do it for you if you like Mrs Parker?" Ella asked.

"That would be lovely Ella" She grinned. Ella was the perfect girlfriend. My mum disappeared upstairs and washed her hair over the bath. She came down with her hair in a towel and a nice dress. Ella sat her down and began blow-drying it. Then when she had finished, she began to straighten it. My mum looked lovely by the time she had finished. Not like Mum, like a younger version.

"Wow, I look like a completely different person, thank you Ella" She hugged her warmly and soon said her goodbyes. 

"Thanks for doing that for her Ella, I know it means a lot" I said, wrapping my arms around Ella's waist whilst she was making some coffee in the kitchen.

"It's fine, honestly"

"Here Tommy" Dad said, putting his food down. 

He was still asleep in his basket. I picked him up to give him a bit of help. Considering he was getting very old now. He had gotten cancer when he turned 10. He had had many operations but his time would come soon. I put him down and he staggered around a bit. That’s when I knew. It was time. I knelt down by his basket, just stroking him softly whilst staring at him. 

"What's up Tom?" Ella asked, sounding concerned.

"I think it's time" At this point, Dad had gone upstairs to get ready. Ella sat down next to me and put her arm around my shoulder and wiped my tear away. We just sat there, staring at the helpless dog in front of us. He was gone. I stared in amazement. Tommy was gone. Dad walked through the door and I stared at him with no expression on my face. I looked at Tommy. 

"Oh no...not my....Tommy?" Dad managed to get out.

"Dad, he was alright earlier. How can he be dead?" I asked, not taking my eyes off my beautiful dog. 

"I know, things happen so suddenly. The vet said he was getting worse though" My dad spoke. 

"Let’s give him a proper send off" Ella suggested.

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