Part 26

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*Ellas POV* 

I woke up the next morning and Tom wasn't lying next to me like he normally was. I sighed once I had remembered the events from last night. I rolled my eyes and buried my head in the pillow again and wrapped the whole double duvet around me. I closed my eyes again until I felt cold pair of hands on my face. I turned over and saw a drunken Tom standing there looking fairly drunk. 

"Glad you could finally join me" I muttered. I loved him, but at this time, I was quite mad at him, his first night being home from America for two months and he'd rather spend it being drunk then with me.

"Come here baby" He grinned. 

"Sober up Tom" I snapped turning over. He walked out the room and I could hear him stomping his feet as he walked down, probably waking everyone up. After about an hour, I realized I couldn't go back to sleep and clambered my dressing gown on and made my way downstairs, dragging my feet as I went. Everyone was awake, all gathered in the living room, shaking their heads at Tom. Tasha asked if I was okay discretely and I smiled weakly. I didn't sit next to Tom on the sofa where we sat every morning, I sat on the floor by his feet. Tom started playing with my hair and I just let him, I didn't have the energy to argue. Sophie and Tasha came and sat either side of me. 

"Let's go shopping" They suggested.

"Yeah, lets" I smiled. We sat watching Jeremy Kyle for a little longer. Tom stood up; 

"I'm getting another beer" 

"Oh no you’re not!" I said sternly.

"You haven't said a word to me all morning and then you think you can tell me what to do?" 

"Well, if you'd rather get drunk instead of spending time with me, that's fine"

"Let him get on with it Ella. You know what he's like" Max said. 

"But Tom, babe, don't you think you've had enough?" Tasha said trying to be reasonable. 

"Maybe, but I'm still having more"

"Idiot" I muttered before storming up the stairs to get ready. I lay on the bed just thinking everything over. Why was he acting like this? I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, I looked dreadful. I chucked on my pair of red jeans and put on a floaty white shirt with a big bulky belt.

"Ready?" I asked Sophie and Tasha as we met on the landing of the second floor. 

"Ready" We all walked into the lounge. Everyone was watching Tom as he threw the beers back. 

"TOM. STOP" I lost my temper. My outburst made him jump.

"Make me!" He shouted loud enough so everyone in the house could hear.

"I'm going out Tom, I've had enough of this" I stared at him for a few seconds before shaking my head. He had that guilty look in his eye but he carried on drinking and drinking and drinking. Sophie pushed me out of the lounge because she knew I was about to blow. I could hear Tasha having a rage at him. Then when Max tried to stop, she raged at him. Then everyone got involved so we all went back in. Soon everyone was ganging up on me, Tasha and Sophie. How could they stick up for Tom's drinking.

"Can we just go? Please?" I asked, folding my arms unamused. 

"No, I've just got back from America and you'd rather go shopping?" Tom said, slightly raising his voice.

"Me? Don't make me laugh Tom, you preferred to get drunk then spend the night with me, don't turn this around on me"

"Tom, you are being a bit out of order" Sophie said, sticking up for me. 

Take a chance, don't run away.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें