Part 40

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*Sophie's POV*

We all piled into the two vans and quickly left to avoid fans. 

"Stop, I need a wee!" Jay declared. Tom stopped the van and we all fell out. It was a service station. We all went to the toilet before piling back in and carrying on our journey. 

"What's the plan?" Tom asked as we pulled up around the corner from Rebecca's house. 

"Has anyone texted Rebecca yet?" I asked. 

"Nathan just texted me, they're gonna surprise her. She told them she's shopping in town today so we're gonna surprise her by turning up in town" Ella filled us in. 

"How will we know what shop she'll be in?" Tom asked, confused. 

"This is Rebecca... she lives in Primark" I told everyone. They all nodded in agreement. We saw the other boys were pulled up just behind us so we got out to meet them. 

"We all know the plan?" Max asked in a spy-like way. 

"Yep" We all confirmed. 

"Let's do this" Katie encouraged

We pulled our hoods up and covered our eyes with our sunglasses we used when we went undercover earlier at T4. We all walked down the highstreet, the busy Saturday crowds rushing around like there was no tomorrow. We walked into Primark and coincidently, Lightning was playing quietly throughout the shop. We walked down the middle of the store and looked for Rebecca. 

"THERE SHE IS" Sophie shouted, running over to Rebecca. Rebecca screamed in excitement as we all came into her eye sight. She was astonished. Nathan hugged her, swaying her from side to side. 

"I've missed you so bloody much!" Nathan laughed.

"Wh-What are you all doing here?" She asked, beginning to tear up. 

"We told you we'd come back for you" Tom chucked. 

"Come here guys!" Ella shouted, throwing her hands up and everyone getting into a group hug before individually hugging Rebecca. 

"Where can we go then?" I asked.

"Let's go to 'Shake it Baby" Tasha suggested, remembering it from when me, her and Rebecca used to go when we were young teenagers.

"Let's go" Nathan smiled, taking hold of Rebecca's hand protectively. We put our glasses back on and our hoods up and headed down the street. We walked into the milkshake shop and luckily it was empty. We off our disguises and the shopkeepers had massive grins on their faces. 

"Hey, could we possibly shut the shop for like half an hour so we can just hide in here?" Siva asked cheekily, using his charms to persuade the shopkeepers. 

"Of course, if we can have pictures and you can promote us on twitter?" The shopkeeper replied. 

We did as the shop keepers had asked and we sat down with milkshakes. I sat next to Jay. 

"I love you, you know?" He grinned, pulling me into him. 

"I love you too" I blushed back.

We all sat around the table and we all had smiles on our faces again like the old days. 

"What have you been up to since you left?" Tom asked genuinely before taking a slurp of his milkshake. 

"Absolutely nothing" Rebecca rolled her eyes. 

"Why don't you try getting a job or something to get you out the house every day away from your mum?" Tasha suggested.

"Actually, me and my mum have been getting along quite well" Rebecca shocked us all. 

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