Chapter 6

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Justin's POV

I feel someone keeps kissing and sucking on my neck I open my eyes reliving Jason.

I moan quietly, trying to pull him away but it doesn't work.

"Baby...wake up." He rubs my sides making me tickle.

"Mmm," I mumble trying to get comfortable again.

"The babies need your help." He tickles my sides getting my attention.

"What? What's wrong with them?" I panic getting up.

"Oh no, it's not like that," he waves his hands trying to calm me down.

"Then what's wrong?"

"They need a diaper change." He mumbled grinning.

"You've got to be kidding me, go away." But that doesn't stop him from slapping my ass hard. "Ouch, that hurt!" I yell hitting his chest.

"Stop, being a brat and get up." He slaps my ass one more time getting up.

"What has this got to do with being a brat?" I look up confused. He rolls his eyes getting out of our room.

"You know how to change it so do it yourself!" I yell back not going to get up from the warm bed. I just came back from work, he needs to give me a break. I close my eyes getting comfortable again.

"You won't get up, okay. I can always do this." I feel Jason picking me up flipping me on his shoulder opening my eyes I see that I was right.

"Fuck, put me down!" I wiggle, he just pats my ass bringing me to the twins room.

"Stop cursing, they can hear you." He puts me down on the chair beside the crib.

"You woke me up dragged me here, for what to change a simple diaper?" I whine rubbing my face.

"Gotta get the job done, right?" I couldn't help but let a chuckle out.

"Dude, I'm supposed to be mad at you and you're making me laugh." I stand going to the twins to change them.

"I love you," he kisses my head.

"Love you too." I smile as I change the twins.


"Do you need anything when I get back?" Jason asks as he puts his shoes on for going to work.

"Just some bread." He nodded pecking my lips before leaving.

"I love you so much." He pecks my lips one more time.

I giggle kissing him back. " I love you too." I wave as he leaves the house.

I scratch my head, trying to think of a thing to do.

Then suddenly I hear my phone ring I look at the caller seeing it's my mom.

"Hey mommy!" I giggle answering her.

"Hi baby, how are you?" She happily asks.

"I'm well, how are things?" As I was talking to my mom the door bell rings making confused as who could it be.

I open the reliving Precious, I mumble a "shit" under my breath when I see her.

"Excuse me?" Mom got surprised as I caused out.

"Uh, sorry. You were saying?" She was talking about her wedding that I couldn't pay attention to.

"Hey," she waves her hand whispering to me. I swallow hard going to close the door but she puts her foot out not letting me. She opens her door letting herself in with no problem.

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