Chapter 27

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Thank you for all your support guys, seriously! 40 votes for the next chapter!🍂
Jason's POV

I decided to watch a movie on Netflix till Teen Wolf started, we were still waiting for Justin's mom to come as well, he was feeling sad again not having his own family by his side, as for my moms they were both enjoying our kids company downstairs. I tried take his mind off by watching a movie with him.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked, my eyes on the screen as I flicked through movies on Netflix. "I swear we've seen every damn movie on this thing, anyways."

I saw Justin shrugging. "I don't bae, just pick something."

Justin opened a bag of chips, watching me looking through the movies, I stopped at the gay/lesbian section. I brought my lips into my mouth giving Justin a smirk.

"Wanna try these?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Uh," he didn't say anything feeling nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna be right by your side, if you get hard." I winked at him getting an eye roll from him. "Okay, I'm picking one," I lick my lips, looking at the names thinking which one is the most gayest. "House of boys? What about this one?" He shrugged continues to eat his chips. "Oh come on, we've seen way worse why are you so nervous all of a sudden?" I ask softy laying my head on his lap getting comfortable.

"I'm not, it just brings out memories. You know?" He rubs his hand through my hair softy. I ignore that comment.

"Let's just watch it." I quickly pick up the remote clicking play.


The credits rolled in, I shifted to Justin's left to look at him. He was looking pretty chill to me.

"That was gay." He said throwing some popcorn in his mouth.

"Duh, we just saw a gay movie babe." I roll my eyes playfully, shifting to my left. "The character Jake reminds of your first time with me."

"Uh, I didn't get AIDS and die." He suddenly started laughing, I didn't laugh with him.

"Stop laughing it's not funny."

"Oh come on, it's just a movie."

I shake my head quickly." It's not that but making fun of AIDS and saying you're dying. I can't live with that so stop." He stopped his laughing staring at me. "What?" I ask as he keeps looking at me.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about the character and how you said I was like him."

"Well you were, I'm glad you changed that because you wouldn't even hold my hand in public." I heard him scoff.

"I wasn't that bad." He mumbled.

"Care me to take you on a flashback?" I asked rubbing his chest as my head was still on his lap.

"Whatever," he grinned kissing my lips. I grinned touching his nose playfully.

I was sitting on Justin's bed waiting for him to get ready but he was too busy killing Zombies. I wanted to annoy him, I put my feet on his back, licking my lips, I pushed his back so he was bending down a little.

"Quite it." He pushes my feet away. I smirk sliding beside him wanting to suck the hell of his neck.

I started kissing cheeks then sliding to his jaw, sucking very slowly he started bringing his shoulder up to push me away but that didn't stop me.

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