Chapter 28

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Remember to vote ghost readers! But tho me writing this won't change anything tbh...

Jason's POV

"Jase, get ready sooner. We're gonna be late!" I hear Justin yelling from downstairs. Long story short we were attending Toby's birthday party that he invited Justin only and not me. I didn't give two fucks that he didn't. But let's be honest I was ferocious as hell.

But I didn't show Justin that. He told me to come with him anyways. And being the awesome boyfriend I listened to him without any complaining or whining.

I was doing my hair watching myself in the mirror, suddenly I see a dark spot near the wall. I quickly went to look at it from behind but someone tugged my pants, I looked down seeing Cailin giving grabby hands towards me. I smile kneeling down picking her up, I quickly give a glance again to the wall but I see nothing.

I'm probably imagining things .

"Jason?" I gasp looking at my back seeing Brandon standing with a cup in his hand.

"What? How did you get in my room?"

"I walked in?" I roll my eyes.

"Anyways here this will help for your pain." He said bringing the cup of tea near me.

"But I'm not in pain." I take a step back from this weirdo holding Cailin tightly protective in my arms.

"Did I say pain? I meant stress?" He grins bringing the cup closer to me again.

I take a step back again. "I don't like tea." I give the tea a disgusting look.

"JUST TAKE THE DAMN TEA!" He yells bringing the tea too close to me and Cailin, the tea slipped from his hand. I quickly brought my hand close to it to block the tea from dripping on Cailin. The cup dropped down on the floor with the tea inside. Some of the drops landed on my forth finger, my left hand. I looked at my finger seeing it was all red because of how hot the tea was in it but I couldn't feel a thing.

I saw Brandon staring at my finger looking at me crazy as of why I wasn't showing any reaction from this. Feeling embarrassed somehow I give him a quick glare leaving the room with Cailin in my arms.

Why did he just do that? Doesn't he understood what 'no' means?

I quickly went to the bathroom locking the door, I gently put Cailin on the counter. I gave a look to my fucked up finger, it looked so red and burnt. I seriously couldn't feel a thing from it. I decided to put my hand under the water to let the cold water low the burnt down but it looked even nastier after that.

I looked at Cailin for a second seeing her having worry eyes. I smiled kissing her head gently.

"Don't worry baby doll. I'm right here I'm not going anywhere." I cooed her picking her up. She giggled laying her head on my chest yawning.

I rubbed her pack slowly letting her sleep peacefully on my chest. I heard a knock on the door, Justin telling me he is going to wait for me in the car. I calmed myself down about the anger I had with Brandon. I was nervous about my finger I didn't want to show Justin anything of it. I unlocked the door getting out of the bathroom, Cailin was still in my arms sound asleep, I loved her touch in my arms.

I wonder where Brandon left off? He didn't even check up on me to see if I was okay. I felt concerned about my finger, I decided to cover it up with something. I quickly rushed to our room looking around I spotted a glove it was the Micheal Jackson glove, I bought it a few days ago in a garage sale. I picked it up putting it on.

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