Chapter 44

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Justin's POV (🐥thank you for the votes on the last chapter, 30 votes for the next one🐥)

I stand there just looking at him in shock, his face looked a bit red but other than that he looked fine even his clothes were changed, Cailin and Drake both come by me also looking at their dad.

"Can you babies please go up stairs so I can talk to dad alone?" He gives them a pleading look, they look at each other going up the stairs without a complain. He smiles putting the kids down on the couch, they both were soundly asleep so they couldn't do anything as of now.

"Who are those kids?" I ask looking at them.

"I saved them." I smiled nodding.

"I know I just saw you on TV, you're a hero I'm proud and mad at you at the same time." He chuckles looking a bit awkward. "I know what I did was crazy but-"

"Did you think of us when you went inside?" I frown waiting for his answer.

"I- I did, but they just looked- look I can't explain it but I just had to help them." I nodded understanding, I knew this was his job.

"If something happened to you what should I have done? Be a single parent?" He shakes his head coming closer hugging me tightly. I sobbed not hugging him back.

"Hey don't ever say that, I'm being really careful." I gasp looking his arm.

"You call this being careful?" I take his arm showing the burn and stitches on it." He pulls away hiding it.

"Well I got a lot of money out of this, is this better?" I scoffed hearing him say that.

"It's not about the money stupid, what if something happened to you?" I speak a bit loudly seeing one of the kids shifting in their sleep.

"Look at them they look so peaceful." He whispers nudging my shoulder to look at them.

"Aren't the parents looking for them?" He looks at me sadly from that look I knew something bad happened.

"They both didn't make, t-they burned alive." I hiss just thinking of that. "Pretty much only the ashes are left of them." I groan holding my ears not wanting to hear it anymore.

"Stop it, I didn't want to hear that anymore." He nodded still looking sad. "Why did you bring them here? Gosh, there's so many questions running through my mind right now and you're staying quiet." I push him to stop looking at the kids for a second.

"They said that they could stay in the hospital till they healed up, but I took them out of there. They both were fine. Hospitals scare me." I nodded agreeing with him.

"Is this illegal? You didn't just kidnap them did you?" He groans rubbing his temples.

"They need a home Justin. A foster home isn't good for them."

"What are you talking about a lot of kids-"

"They could get raped or even worse killed, don't you watch The Fosters? No way am I going to let that happen, I saved them for a reason." He seriously spoke out not once cracking a smile.

"What are you saying?"

"We're adopting them." I blink not once but twice just thinking this through.

"Do you really have the heart to let them go? When you know this family can provide them?"

"How old are they?"

"They're only four."


"Yeah, they're twins." He smiles looking at them.

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