Epilogue (part 6)

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Cailin & Drake : 18 years old.

Phoenix & Camila : 15 years old.


Drake's POV

Did you ever think about a person so much that you didn't even know anything about, just looking at her features makes you go weird. This has been happening to me ever since we were kids coming to our favorite coffee shop near our home, just having a quick snack before we go off to do our things.

"Could you stop staring? It's really not helping, like at all." Cailin glares at me drinking her coffee.

"Why don't you ever ask her?" I ask looking at the cashier that is smiling to the customers.

"I have way more important things to do."

"I know you're scared but this could be our chance-"

"Chance of what? Knowing about a person that we don't even know anything about? We don't even know who used their sperms? Justin or Jason." I scoffed hearing her say that.

"Look at me, it's so obvious who did it." I snap my fingers referring to Jason. I had the same blue eyes and blonde hair. "You have the same blue eyes as him as well and that lady looks just like you. She looks like your older sister- I mean look at her." I grab her shoulder making her look at her.

"S-stop it." She tenses up pushing my hand away.

"You know deep down you want to know your birth mother or your donor." She shakes her head clearing her throat.

"Are you done? Because I'm leaving."

"I'm gonna work here."


"I have a plan." I whisper looking at the time.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm gonna get to know her and maybe steal a hair or two." She gives me a straight face and not making any movement. "I have to know who was his baby mama."

"Dad's like super gay and is always talking trash about vaginas." I put my hands on the table thinking about my plan. "What if we were adopted?"

"Please stop talking you're not making any sense. I have so much futures of dad. Anyone who doesn't even know me knows it I'm not adopted plus something else came to my mind, we look nothing like each other but we're twins doesn't that ring a bell?" She looks down at the table thinking about my words.


"Think about it, there's so many clues to this and you still don't believe me." I sigh blowing some air out.

"Go a-ask her." She shakes a little waving me off.

"So you're actually interested." I tease poking her cheek.

"What if I am?" She crosses her arms being annoyed.

"Fine, I'll take a job here."

"No, I want you to talk to her like right now."

"What am I supposed to say? Hello are you the person who gave your eggs away to a gay couple?" I scoffed shaking my head.

"Not like that idiot, have manners."

"Sorry mom I forgot." She rolls her eyes looking at her watch.

"Shit, we're gonna be late for our first period if we don't get going."

"Yeah, yeah, just let me talk to the manager here." I get up walking towards the cashier having a slightly nervous feeling going over my body. "Hi." I look up seeing the brunette woman that we were talking about a minute ago looking at me. "Can I talk to the manager please?" I swallow trying not to look into her green eyes.

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