Chapter 42

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(Sad chapter, pick up your tissues)

Jason's POV

"Why can't you just tell me?" I groan for the hundred time. I slowly put the suitcases down seeing I forgot to bring Cailin inside as well.

"Stop being annoying." I point a finger at Justin as I quickly run outside to pick up Cailin from the taxi.

"If you just tell me, I won't be repeating my question over and over again, Jason," I put Cailin down slowly as she was having her nap. I was trying to ignore him but it was really hard.

"Can you just drop it?" I ask being annoyed.

"How can I drop it when you haven't told me yet?" I look at him with a puzzled face.

"That doesn't make sense." I wave my hand.

"Ugh! Fuck! Just tell me!" He yells a bit loudly, I noticed Drake was looking between us with a sobbing face. He then suddenly started crying.

"Look what you did," I hiss sitting beside Drake pulling him into my lap. He hiccups, I pat his back slowly trying to calm him down in my arms.

"Whatever, I'm so over this." He whispers quickly walking away from us. I roll my eyes because he was being dramatic as always.

We just got back from our mini vacation, we had a really great time, well I mostly just chilled home or I was taking pictures. Justin on the other hand was never really home, he mostly was outside enjoying the weather with the kids or alone. When we were leaving mama wasn't too happy about it so she dropped a hint of me not telling Justin about the little secret, after that I didn't hear the end of it, Justin kept asking and asking all over again but my mouth was shut. I was worried if he would still love me the same way or what if he throws the ring on my face so I wasn't taking any chances right now. He's mad at me but he'll get over it soon enough.

"Come on son stop crying dad was just a little tired he didn't mean to yell." I kiss his head feeling him calming down. I look below seeing him having a small worried face. "I think I might have some skittles left in my pocket do you want some?" I give him a cheeky smile, grabbing some from my pocket. He brings his tongue out a little then opening his mouth. I put them in his hand thinking he might choke if I threw it all in his mouth. I gave the rest to him so I could keep him busy by talking to Justin for a little while.

"Baby?" I knock on the door seeing him laying on the bed his back facing me. I frown and jump on the bed making it bounce a little.

"Go away." He mumbles to me.

"Justin, are seriously going to be a grouch all day long?" I poke his sides earning a slap from him.

"I never said to stay, so go away."

"But this is also my room?" He gives me a cold glare picking up the sheets and throwing them on his head.

"Okay then, I give you a good vacation and this is what I get after? I really deserve this?" I put my elbow on my knee waiting for him to talk.

"It's your own fault." I scoffed.

"Every single thing, happening in this house is my fault isn't it?"

"Pretty much." I harshly slap his ass hearing him scream. As I was about get up he grabs my shoulder pinning me against the bed and sat on my member making this harder than it was. "You get on my fucking nerves, if you would have just told me, we wouldn't even be having this conversation asshole!" I push his chest, he sneezed almost falling off the bed but I grabbed his arm before he could.

"Stop moving, you almost cracked your head." He pulls away from my hand.

"You pushed me!"

"Stop shouting, Drake is already worried."

Forever Mine (Jastin)✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt