Chapter 40

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Justin's POV

I rub Jason's forehead slowly trying to make him wake up but it's no use, it's been an hour that he passed out. His moms wanted to call 911 but I refused because I heard him being stressed about something in the kitchen and he hasn't taken his pills since two days now so it's starting to show.

"Is he awake?" Kim comes inside taking a seat next to me. I shake my head and rub his cheeks slowly. "Has this ever happened?" I shake my head again. "Does he do anything to hurt you?" My heart makes flip flops because he wouldn't ever do anything to hurt me, I believe that.

"No, he just didn't take his pills that's why he's being like this, I'm in charge of them and I forgot about it." I whisper bending down to kiss his cheek.

"Daddy!" I hear a scream coming inside the bedroom both of us look to see Drake awake and jumpy all of a sudden and his mouth was covered in chocolate. I smiled to him opening my arms for him, he smiled climbing up the bed.

"Did you enjoy the sweets you had?" I ask him seeing him nodding and jumping on Jason. "Drake? What are you doing?" I laugh and try to grab him but he sits on his chest, takes his hoodie and pulls it harshly.

"Wake up!" He whines pulling some more.

"Doing that will get you no where, son." I scold him and take his small hands but I was wrong Jason groans and slowly opens his eyes and blinks seeing us.

"W-what's going on?" I smile to him seeing he's awake.

"Oh goodness I'm so glad you're awake." Kim pulls him into a hug and then picks up Drake telling him we need some alone time together, I didn't know what that was about but I stayed still seeing her giving Jason a look before going outside the room.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I throw questions at him seeing him shake his head.

"I'm fine baby boy, my head just really hurts." He moans licking his lips.

"You deserve it, you didn't take your pills that's why." When I said he quickly slaps my butt getting a whimper from me.

"It's not the next day is it?" He ignores my scolding and looks at the clock beside the bed.

"Will you listen to me for five seconds?"

"Are you saying that I don't listen to you?" I playfully roll my eyes at him. He crosses his arms and rolls to the other side of the bed.

"Stop being childish and let's take these pills, yeah?" I went to reach out my hand towards them on the night stand but he smacks my hand away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I rub my hand seeing it's all red. "That really hurt."

"Shut up, you're just too sensitive."

"Take them, Jason please. We don't need another one of your episodes going on." I go to reach them again but he grabs my hand this time.

"I have a mission tomorrow and I can't concentrate because of them."

"Bullshit, stop making up excuses." I take the bottle and water, put them in front of him. "Take it now."

He chuckles like what I'm saying is funny. "You never listen to me about eating something why should I listen to you?" I roll my eyes.

"Because this is your health."

"And yours isn't?"

"Just take it!"

"I said no!" When he shouted at my face, I freeze for a minute then quickly took a pill out of the bottle and shoved it down his throat making him almost choke to death.

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