Twenty Nine

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The next few weeks went by quickly. Andy flew back home, Bryant was gone and was replaced with a new assistant coach, and Lola had gotten to hang out with Scarlet and Reece more often. It was a bit weird because they were being very coupley, more coupley than herself and Alec.

Lola was still the team's physical therapist but it was decided that she didn't need to be at every single practice with the other boys. Now that she had her free time back she was able to film and post videos more regularly and go on her runs. Not that it was bad to run with the football players but she just really liked to get into her music more than talk.

Their relationship had become a closer thing. The media had gotten over it although the team did have an interview scheduled and it was expected that Alec would be asked about it. If he was asked about it, it wouldn't be a very bad thing but he did have things to say.

"What kind of questions do they ask at those interviews?" Lola asks him as she was leaned against his chest while they sat in his living room.

"It's like "How's the practice going?" Or "How are you feeling about the upcoming season?" They aren't very creative questions until they ask a question that they actually want to know." Alec tells her and plays with her hair as he speaks.

"What would one of those questions be?" She then asks curiously.

Alec sighs, ""Are any of you single? Oh, you're not? How's your relationship going then?" It's really obnoxious and annoying when they ask that."

"Hm... This is all happening when?" She then asks.


"But- I'm on the field with you guys tomorrow..."


Lola sighed in response, "Surprise indeed."


Lola had been a bit worried the following day even though there was most likely nothing to worry about. The only issue could be the fact that she's the girlfriend of Alec and the team's PT, it just might come off as weird and rub some people the wrong way. Like, she only has this job because her boyfriend is the quarterback... That's not the truth though, she had the 'job' before they began dating.

She had done her best to treat the day like any other day. She sat in the grass on the sidelines and could easily see a woman and camera man who were talking Coach Kaine and Assistant Coach Moore. Instead of creepily staring which was probably what it had looked like, she took out her laptop and began what she did every day and organized her notes from the lectures previous in the day. For some reason she wasn't very good at organizing them while she wrote them which is why she did this on a daily basis.

The boys eventually came out onto the field and soon after that, things were in full swing and the lady was doing some talking into the camera but Lola was still paying no attention to either of them. To really keep her mind away from them she took out a pair of earbuds and plugged them into her phone to listen to music.

Her running playlist still consisted of quite a few songs by The Script (still), Fallout Boy, Twenty One Pilots and random country songs and pop songs. As she listened to these songs playing in her ears she realized that she didn't even listen to any other playlist other than the one she'd made for running. Since she listened to these songs so often she knew them well and was absentmindedly bobbing her head and mouthing the words.

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