18: The Red Eye

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Fujisaki: Nora. Do you know who can control yaboku the best?

Nora: no. Isn't it you?

Fujisaki: no. Not me. Not you. He is just doing so because we want him to. But for him to do it willingly... only one can.

Nora: there's such person?

Fujisaki: ah. She is my miscalculation. She really does deserve her title. Himitsugami.

Yomi: miyuki. Read it out the information I asked you to.

Miyuki: hai. Kizaki's wife, formerly known as ritsu brown. Followed the nun's surname since she didn't had any since she was abandoned in the orphanage.

Yomi: the orphanage is called Love Orphanage. She goes back time to time to give gifts.

Miyuki: her occupation is...

" Lets go." Yomi interrupts. " Take some money and go capyland to have fun."

Miyuki: don't need me?

Yomi: it's ok. I can do this bare handed. Oh oh!!! Buy their autumn edition chocolate!!

Miyuki smiles " hai!!! Hiyori wa?"

Hiyori: no thanks. *Smiles*I'm going with Yomi this time.

Yomi: ehto... get out of your body.

Hiyori: eh?!! Why?

Yomi: you in physical is a bit dangerous.

Hiyori: but I don't know how to...

Yomi: miyuki. Hit her back head?

" Like... this?" Miyuki hits hiyori's back head and her spirit comes out.

Hiyori: oh!!! I really came out!!!

Yomi: rai!!! Take care of her body.

Rai: ok~~~

Hiyori: no!!! That pervertic face... miyuki~~ please....

Miyuki: well... I guess I can lug your body around when I go capyland.

Yukine: don't bully miyuki!!!

Miyuki: daijobu. I'll find some way. *Smiles*

Hiyori: arigato!!!

They reach the orphanage...

Yomi: do you know how suicide works?

Hiyori: eh?

Yomi: suicides are special. Because they are usually unsavable. Unsavable by gods.

Yukine: what does that mean?

Yomi : yato. Be my vessel for a while.

Yato pouts " don't want.Who asked you to leave your shinki at home again."

Yomi: fine!! Capyland!!

Yato : hehe. Alright.

Yomi: you still remember how to do it?

" Of course." He puts his hand on the wall of the that surrounds the entire orphanage. She puts her hand onto his back " I grant thee power, you being my vessel. Chase the clean out."

" Fu." Yato says and a seals spreads out the entire orphanage. Many children run out even the nuns.

" alright. Lets go in." She wobbles a little and yato catches her lifting up her legs carrying her " soak too long in the spring water again?" She blushes a little" yato... how did you find that out?"

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