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Offically an Addict

Chapter 1:

"Beep beep beep..."

Grr I hate freaking alarms. I'm so not a morning person.

I get out of bed and head into the bathroom that's connected to my room. I shower and everything to get ready for my day. Today, I move out of my moms house and into my dorm room. 

It has been two months since 'he-who-I-will-not-name' has left for school and I have never cried so much in my intire life. Even when my father died, I did not cry this much. Well, I didn't really know him. He died when I was five and it's been me and my mom ever since. 

So for the past two months I've done nothing but stay locked up in my room. 

"Aleesha, honey? It's time for us to go" my mom yells up to me. 

I grab the last of my stuff that I could carry and head down stairs. 

"Honey, you look pretty." 

Stupid mom. She knows I look like shit but she's trying to be nice. Ha! I've looked into the mirror and I know my once flawless complection is all splotchy, my once luscious  hair, is now all flat and dull. Instead of wearing my usual form fitting clothes, Im wearing a huge tshirt and faded gray sweat pants. 'He-who-I-will-not-name' is no longer here so there's no need for me to try to look my best. 

"Sure mom"

"No, I'm serious. You're looking a lot better."

I roll my eyes,"Look mom, can we just go? I need to get there on time."

"Oh, sure baby. Sorry." She says looking sad. 

We head to the Cadillac Escalade ESV and put everything in the back. A half hour later, we make it inside the airport. I find my flight number and check in my four bags. The rest of my stuff has been shipped to my dorm already so I don't have to worry about that. I turn to my mom to say my last goodbyes before I go through security. 

"Mom, I'm sorry I snaped at you."

"Oh no baby it's okay. I know that you've been through a lot."

I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

"Thank you mom. For everything. Thank you"

"I love you sweetie. I would do anything for you."

"I know mom and I Iove you too."

I give her one final hug then make my way to security. 

I board the plane and take my seat. 

When I originally booked the flight I had 'he-who-I-will-not-name' in mind. He was going to sit on my left while I took the window seat. I look at his empty seat and my eyes start to water. To stop my self from crying I turn my head and look out my window. 

Every time I'm on a plane, I have to get the window seat. There's just something about the sky that I love. I love looking out and seeing the clouds as the plane goes through them. 

I think it would be the best thing ever if I could fly. I mean think about it, leaving all of your problems on the ground, going up into the sky where no one is there to bother you. If I could have any super power, it would be the power to fly. 

"Excuse me"

A voice brings me out of my thoughts. 

I look up to see who it is. 


Is this guy for real?! 

I have never seen eyes the color of his. I didn't even know you could get contacts like that, but these don't look like contacts. I think his eyes are really like that. They are blue green and gray mixed in with each other. They also have light brown specks in them too. I feel drawn to them somehow. Like I'm falling into their depths. 

"Excuse me" 

I mentally shake my head to concentrate on what he's trying to say to me. 

"Oh...um...sorry. What did you say?"

He smiles. Good lord almighty! Not his smile too. His white bright smile is so warm that I start to feel my body warm up from its usual constant coolness that has replaced my heart. 



"Um, this is my seat." he says while looking at the seat to my left. 

"Oh, sorry." I say as I move my bag from the seat. 

"Its no problem." 

He sits down and his elbow hits mine. 


"It's all good." I reply

"Um...My name is Stefan." He offers me his hand. As I take his hand I feel tiny sparks shooting up my arm. It looks like he felt it too, but he doesn't do or say anything, so I just shake his hand and say,"Im Aleesha. Nice to meet you."

We're interupted by a flight attendent over the loud speaker saying to fasten our seatbelts and that we will be taking off soon. I adjust myself on the seat and does what she said then look out my window once again. 

"Nervous about flying?"

"No." I say still looking out the window. 

"Oh, so then why are you looking out the window?"

"Because I would love to fly." I turn and look at him. 

Stefan looks a bit confused but leaves the subject alone. I get comfortable in my seat and put my headphones on. I'm listening to Flyleaf's Much Like Falling as we take off.


Aleesha. Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl. 

She's wearing clothes that are to big for her but I can still tell that she has a generous chest size and nice rounded hips. Her luscious lips have a natural tint to it, so she doesn't need to use lipstick. Her heart shaped face is filled with sad gray brown eyes that standout with out the need of mascarea or eyeliner. She is beyond pretty, beyond beautiful, beyond gorgeous.  

After listening to the flight attendent, I turn towards her to start a conversation, so I ask if she gets nervous about flying. 

"No." she says still looking out her window.      

"Oh, so then why are you looking out the window?"

"Because I would love to fly."

I don't really get what she means by saying that but it's whatever. I turn back to her to say something else but I see that she has put her headphones in and has closed her eyes. 

So I take my que from her and do the same thing. For the rest of the flight we say nothing more.






Let me know what you think so far. I know it's slow but let me know what you would like to see happen to the characters. 

And here's a spoil alert: You haven't seen the last of 'he-who-I-will-not-name'!!!!!!!


^_^ TRiCHA

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