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Offically An Addict

Chapter 5:

 Knock Knock Knock

 Bruce and I freez. 

 Knock Knock Knock

 I push Bruce off me and stand up to fix my clothes. As I rush to the door I notice Bruce's hair is messy. 

"Fix yourself up." I whisper/yell at him. 

"No. I want whoever is at the door to know that they interupted us."

"Grr! Fine!"

 I reach the door knob and pull it open.


 I don't think I should do this. I mean I canceled on her, not the other way around. But she looked so sad when I made up that awful lie. I should have just hung out with her and her friends, but that Cathleen girl is coming on a bit to strong for my taste. I don't know why I left in the first place, it's just...agh! I know i needed to quench my thirst but it could have waited, right? Thinking to myself I turn the corner and find the room that I'm looking for. 

Knock Knock Knock

 I hope I'm doing the right thing. 

Knock Knock Knock

 I listen in to see if she's inside. I hear clothes russell and foot steps heading for the door. Knowing that she's in the room I listen more closely. 

"Fix yourself up." I hear her whisper to someone.  

"No. I want whoever is at the door to know that they interupted us." A male voice whispers back. 

 No! She has someone in the room with her. Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have came. What if she was fucking that guy and I just interupted, wait, I just interupted! Good! A sinister smile comes onto my face just as soon as the door opens. 


 I opened the door and stood in shock. Stefan was at my door. He's wearing a fitted black tee and dark blue jeans. His black hair is slightly hanging over one eye and it makes me want to move it out of the way. His multi colored eyes penetrate mine and his beautiful face has a sinister smile upon it. 

I give him a polite smile while saying,"Stefan! What are you doing here? Wait, how did you know where I lived?" My smile slipping from my face. 

"Hello Aleesha. It's nice to see you too."

"Oh," I blush,"Um yeah sorry. Hello."

He chuckeled. "To answer your question, I went to the admin building and asked which room you stayed in."

"But you don't even know my last name. And how did you know I went to school here?"

"Well Aleesha McFierceson," He says to prove he knows my last name,"if you continue to want answers, may you please invite me in?"

"Oh sorry. Please come in."

"Thank you"

 Stefan looks around then spots Bruce on the bed. 

"Oh now it's my turn to be sorry," he says while looking at me," I didn't know you had other company. I hope I wasn't interupting something." This time he looks at Bruce, that sinister smile on his face yet again. 

"Yes you were." Bruce tells Stefan. 

"Oh well, that's to bad." Stefan smiles wider,"But you know what, I don't think we were formally introduced today at the mall." 

 Stefan walks, well it's more of a glide really, and offers his hand to Bruce. 

"Im Stefan DiMita."

"Bruce Barnes" he says while shaking Stefan's hand. 

 Stefan looks stright into Bruce's eyes and then suddenly smiles. 

"I think I should be going. Bye Ali." 

 Bruce heads for the door. 

"Okay, bye." I say to his back. 

"Huh, I wonder why he left."

"Who knows?" Stefan says to me. 

"Okay now answer my questions"

"Of course. When I was speaking to Cathleen she told me that you guys go to school here and then I asked her what your last name was."

"Oh, okay so why are you here now?"

"I wanted to see you, but apperently I have bad timeing."

 I was just about to explain why Bruce was here but then though to myself that I didn't need to explain anything. Stefan and I aren't dating or even friends for that matter. I don't owe him anything. 

"Yeah your timeing is horrible." I frown at him. 

"Well in that case, let me make it up to you" He smiles. He does that a lot, but I don't really care. He has such a beautiful smile. 

"How?" Skepticism written on my face. 

"Let me...let me cook you dinner."

"You cook?" I asked surpriesed. 

"Dont sound so surpriesed." he laughs. "But yes I cook. I will pick you up around five tomorrow night. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, it's alright."

"Good, see you then."

 Stefan walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek. 

I blush,"see you then."

 And he walks out the door. 


Okay don't hate me or anything but I thought that it was a good place to stop. I kno it's a bit short but I will try to make it up to you!

Thx again for reading!! 

If anything doesn't make sence please let me kno and I'll try to clarify for you. 

Vote comment fan!!! You all kno the drill!!!


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