~0FFiCALLY AN ADDiCT~ ch. 10

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This chapter concests of sexually explicit material. Reader descrestion is advised.

Thx Tricha


Offically An Addict

Chapter 10:


One week has past since the last time I even spoke to him. I've called and called but he won't answer any of my calls, but who could blame him? After what I did or in this case did not do, I wouldn't want to speak with me either.

When Bruce came in to my room and saw Stefan lying in my bed, he went ballistic!

"What the HELL is he doing on your bed Ali?"

"Well hello to you to Bruce!"

"Dont even, Aleesha! I'm not in the mood! How could you do this to me?"

"What are you talking about!? Do what!?"

Bruce gave me a look. "Don't play dumb with me!"

I crossed my arms over my chest, "You know what Bruce, you can leave! NOW!" I yelled and pointed to the door.

Bruce rushes over to me and grabs my face and kisses me. It was the most roughest kisses ever! 'He-who-I-will-still-not-name' kisses me rough so I was used to it, but Bruce's kiss was filled with so much hurt and anger.

He removes his lips to say, "I love you Aleesha. Please say you love me back and not Stefan."

Bruce whispers this, but I know Stefan heard because I saw him stiffen.

I looked from Bruce to Stefan and back again. I finaly know what I'm going to say. I look into Bruce's eyes.

"I love you too Bruce." I take a deep breath. "But I'm not IN love with you."

"Then what was that between us the other day?"

"Bruce that was me being a girl deprived of sex for over a year."

"So you just used me?"

"Yes, and I apologize for that as well. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if we had actually gone through with it. I care about you to much to just use you and I will also say that I don't love Stefan either. "<well not yet at least> I whisper the last part to myself while looking back at Stefan, but he's no longer there.


"I love you too Bruce."

As soon as the words left her mouth, I dematerialize from the room. I didn't want to hear or see any of that mushy shit, the lucky bastard!

I returned to the house and went stright to the liquior stash. I drunk a whole bottle of grey goose vodka and a whole bottle of tequila, and I was still looking for more.

I have no idea why I was sulking, it's not like we were dating. No, but I wanted to.

I finished off my last bottle of liquior and went upstairs. I walked into my room and her smell bombarded me. I had forgot that she had stayed in my bed the preveous night. I stagger over to the bed and shed all my clothes. I climb onto the bed and within seconds, I fall happly into blackness.


Tonight is the night of Cathleen's party. I really don't want to go, but I had already told her ass yes, so now I gotta do it. I really didn't want to see Bruce either. He looked so heart broken after I told him that I wasn't in love with him. Like Stefan, I haven't spoken to Bruce since that night too.

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