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Srry it took so long for me to upload. I had a lot of ppl asking me to read their stories and got a bit off tract. I'm also writing an other story but I don't want to upload it jus yet. I want to be able to write as much as possible before I do.

Some shout outs to:







Their stories are the shit! lol

And I love them all so please check out their stuff. I guaranty you'll love it or your money back!!


Being silly...okay so here's chapter 8. It's gonna be a good one. (I hope)



Offically An Addict

Chapter 8:


I hear Stefan calling my name, but I don't want to open my eyes just yet. What if everything that happened was real and not dream? There's only one way to find out.

I open my eyes a crack and see that I'm no longer downstairs. I see that I'm in some sort of bedroom. The walls are black and the furnature is gold. Well I don't think it's reall gold, just the color gold. I notice that I'm on a kingsize four post bed with gold silk sheets.

"Finally your awake."

I turn my head towards the beautiful seductive voice known as Stefan's.

"Where am I and how long have I been out of it?"

Stefan stands up from his seat next to the bed and takes a few steps towards me.

"We are in my bed room and you have been out for a few hours."



Sitting up, I look at Stefan. His eyes are normal, his skin is not as pale and there is nothing protruding from his mouth.

"So please tell me that it was all a dream, right?"

"Im afraid not Aleesha."

I take a deep breath and try to calm down.

"Look, Aleesha, I know it's a lot to take in but please don't tell anyone."

"Ha" I scoff,"Dont tell anyone? Who in their right mind would believe me? You know, Im not even sure I know what you really are!"

Stefan takes my hand, but I snatch it away.

"Dont-don't do that." I whisper to him.

I look at his eyes and see sadness that I put there. I think about reaching over to comfort him, but decide not to.


"What do you think I am?"


If I say what I'm thinking, it'll just make everything true and I don't want that. I like Stefan and I don't want that to end.

It doesn't have to end> I hear a voice whisper in my head.

Yes it does. He's not even human> I mentally reply back.

I look at Stefan sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I lift my hand up, but decide not to touch him again.

"Im still the same person you met Aleesha. I have never harmed you and I never plan to. So if you want to leave I'll understand. Just please don't tell anyone."

~0FFiCALLY AN ADDiCT~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt